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Lisa's room

Lisa's room

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Author POV



Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. i heard everything you were saying on the phone..

Lisa:-Ro..Rose..i..i..can.. explain..

Rose:-what you can explain?? huh?? Lisa..i didn't expect this from you.. how can you do this??

Lisa sops in middle when she heard laughing sound..she look at Rose and see that Rose is laughing..she look at her confusingly...

Rose:-what?? What you think,i will react like this??*smirk* you are so stupid Lisa..i am with you.. what you did is totally right but the way of doing it was wrong...

Lisa:-Rose..tha..that means are no..not angry with me right??

Rose:-absolutely,how can i get angry with my best friend but i am sad, you have done all this but you didn't even think it necessary to tell me...

Lisa:-i am sorry..

Rose:-leave it.. from now onwards don't even think of hiding something from me.. understand??

Lisa:-hmm.. thank you Rose..

Saying this Lisa hugs Rose..she also hugs her back.. after sometime they broke the hug and Lisa said...

Lisa:-now what's next?? Jungkook has complaint a file against John.. how do i get rid of it??

Rose:-don't worry i will manage everything.. just you do what i said..but for now don't contact with John.. okay??



Few days later

Few days later

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