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Author POV

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Author POV

Here Mrs Jeon and Mr Jeon were getting ready to sleep just then Mr Jeon notice that Mrs Jeon was lost in her thoughts so he ask her...

Mr Jeon:- Honey..what happen??what are you thinking??

Mrs Jeon:- huh..not..nothing...

Mr Jeon:- don't lie..tell me what happen??

Mrs Jeon take a deep breath and said...

Mrs Jeon:- i was thinking about Jungkook's marriage...

Mr Jeon:- what??why..i mean you know that he don't want to get married then why??

Mrs Jeon:- so what i will do?? seeing my son living his life alone..i can't do that..he is my son how can i watch him like that...i didn't tell anyone but seeing Jungkook's loneliness i am feeling hurt.. it's hurts eldest son is married and he is happy with his married life but what about my youngest son??i can't see him like that..i can't...

Saying this Mrs Jeon started to cry... seeing her state Mr Jeon got worried and hugs her and said...

Mr Jeon:- shhh...don't cry...

After sometime Mrs Jeon stops crying... then Mr Jeon ask...

Mr Jeon:- so now what are you thinking?? what will you do??

Mrs Jeon:- i want to get Jungkook married...

Mr Jeon:- yeah i know but with whom??

Mrs Jeon:- Lisa..

Mr Jeon:- WHAT?!?

Hearing her Mr Jeon got shocked..

Mr Jeon:- you know what are you saying?? Lisa and Jungkook??

Mrs Jeon:- yeah... what is the problem with that??

Mr Jeon:- you know Jungkook just thinks her as a guest nothing else then??

Mrs Jeon:- Lisa have feelings for Jungkook..

Mr Jeon:- what??

Mrs Jeon:- yeah..i talk to her about her feelings and she said yes..she have feelings for Jungkook and i also talk to her about marriage with Jungkook and she said she will marry him...

And about Jungkook..i think he also have feelings for Lisa but i didn't courage to tell anyone... maybe he is shy thats why he didn't tell... but i talk to him and hearing him i think he likes Lisa...

Mr Jeon:- did he said these to you??

Mrs Jeon:- no.. but after listening him i felt that...i don't know anything i will get Jungkook married...i will get Jungkook and Lisa's engagement done at Ji hyun's Brithday party...i planned everything..

𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝑻𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 || 𝑱𝑱𝑲𝒙𝒀𝑵 || ✓Where stories live. Discover now