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Author POV

Today Jungkook and Yn come in Taehyung's penthouse for meet Shibu but after coming here they got shocked because the servants says that Taehyung and Shibu is not here and they don't know where they go.. because when Jin and Namjoon came the servants are not at home so that's why they don't where they go...

Now Yn and Jungkook was outside the penthouse.. Yn was crying and Jungkook was trying to keep her shut..but womens are womans..they won't hear anything from anyone...

Jungkook:- Yn.. please don't cry..

Yn:- how can you say not to cry??i told you from the first day that what is his name?? yeah..Taehyung.. Taehyung is not a good see what he did..i am sure he kidnap her and maybe he will force her to do something... maybe he will use her...

Jungkook:- shut up..yn.. Taehyung is not like that..he is a good person..

Yn:-if he is a good person then where he take Shibu??do you have any answer??

Jungkook:- i don't know..but let me call him...

Jungkook call Taehyung..he pick up the call and Jungkook started to ask him questions but he didn't answer anything..he told them come his home..he tell them everything there...

Jungkook cut the call and tell Yn what Taehyung said..they both set on the car and started to go towards Taehyung's house...

After sometime they reach Taehyung's house..they both come inside and maids tell them to go towards Taehyung's study room..they go towards his study room..

They come inside Taehyung's study room and there they see Taehyung is doing some work in his laptop.. Jungkook call him and he trun around to see them..he gesture them to sit.. after that Taehyung tell them everything that happened...

Taehyung:- now what you will do??

Yn:-can we take Shibu with us.. Jungkook??

Hearing this Taehyung's face become dull..he didn't want Shibu to go somewhere...

Jungkook:- yeah..we can but what about family members??i mean,i think family members won't allow this..they still didn't accept you..will they accept her?? they will ask who is she?? what's her relationship with you and etc...

Yn:- so what??we will tell them that she is my friend..

Jungkook:- but.. they didn't accept you.. what if after taking her there they will started to hate you..

Yn:- that won't heppen..i will take care of it..she is my friend i can't leave her like this...

Jungkook:- you say...

They both are agreeing with each other when Taehyung shout..

Taehyung:- no..

Taehyung POV

No..they are talking about to take her away from can't be heppen..i won't let that happen..she will stay with me..

Jungkook:- what happen Taehyung??why you shout??

Taehyung:- no.. nothing..i was just saying that don't take her with you..

Jungkook:- why?!?


Yn:- what?!?

Taehyung:- as Jungkook said maybe his family won't agree so don't take her she will stay with me..i mean..stay with my family...

𝑫𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝒕𝒐 𝒃𝒆 𝑻𝒐𝒈𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 || 𝑱𝑱𝑲𝒙𝒀𝑵 || ✓Where stories live. Discover now