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*Isla De Cruces*

We have made it on land and Jack pushed a shovel into James' hands.I gave Jack a really? look and he just walked away winking at me.I looked at James confused as we also go on and walk.Elizabeth was in front of us all with the compass in her hand leading the way.She kept turning diagonal and left and right.Me,James and Jack stopped walking behind her as she started to circle a place.She dropped the compass and sat down.

"It's broken!" She exclaimed to Jack

"My compass isn't broken!" He pointed out

Well...when you put it that way...it slightly is broken.Jack started to follow where the compass pointed yet again walking around in a circle like Elizabeth did.He used his hands to gesture Elizabeth to move as whistled over to James to did the place he claimed the chest was buried in.We all gathered around him to see if it was true,to see if the heart of Davy Jones was a real story.

"You actually were telling the truth." James told Jack stunned

"I do that quite a lot yet people are always still surprised." Jack replied

I rolled my eyes at him and smiled but suddenly-

"With good reasons!" Will called out from behind us

Elizabeth ran over to him and started to kiss him as the three of us stared at them confused.

"Honestly thought he was dead." I slightly whispered

Elizabeth gave me an annoyed look.I just tilted my head to the side and shrugged.Being away from Port Royal has made me stop worrying so much about being all lady-like since no one around me would care since they are all pirates.Oh and don't forget many are manner-less.

"Will how'd you even get here?" I questioned

"Sea turtles mate,a pair of them strapped to my feet." he answers referring to the story Gibbs told us about Jack.

"Not so easy is it?" Jack questioned with a sly smile

"But I do owe you thanks Jack."

I was confused ehen I heard that.Everything has all now started to confused me.

"You do?" Jack asked

"After you tricked me onto that ship to square your dept with Jones!" Will continues

I walk closer to James to speak to him quietly.

"This is going to turn into an fight isn't it?" I ask

James nodded but was still confused.At this point no one knew what was going on.

"Everything you said to me,every word...was a lie!" Elizabeth shouts

"Pretty much.Time and tide!" Jack says

Will walks over to the chest looking at it to find the lock to open it until Jack pulls a sword to his neck.

"Oy!What do you think your doing,mate?" Jack asks

"I'm going to kill Jones!" Will answers

"I'm afraid I can't let you do that,William.'Cause if Jones is dead,who's to call his terrible beastie of the hunt,ey?Now if you please...the key." Jack told him

Will stepped away from the chest and unsheathed Elizabeth's sword to fight Jack.

"I keep the promises i make Jack.I intend to free my father.I hope you are here to see it." Will argued against him

As he spoke James also took out his sword.

"I can't let you do that either.So sorry." He said smiling sarcastically as he apologised

"I'd knew you would warm up to me eventually." Jack says thinking James is protecting him

"Lord Cutler Beckett desires the contents of that chest.I deliver it and get my life back."
James explains his reasons for not letting Will kill Davy Jones

"Ah.The dark side of ambition." Jack states

"Oh I prefer to so it as a promise of redemption." James corrects him

I run to James to tell him to put his sword down but they quickly start to fight each other.I try run to them to see if they will stop fighting but they just keep fighting before I can reach them.I just stop trying and try to shout out at them.

"STOP IT!" Elizabeth starts as she is left with me to guard the chest

"JAMES PLEASE!" I cry out for him to stop

"WILL!" Elizabeth shouts


Elizabeth then dropped herself onto the sand acting like she is fainting.

"OH...OH...THE HEAT!" She shouts to be heard

I also dropp myself to the ground to play along with her.We stay there for three seconds and got up and sat.As we sat up I saw Pintel and Raggeti trying to steal the chest.Elizabeth reaches for her sword but its gone and taking by Will.I however reach out for my sword and fight them away.

"Ello puppet." One of them says with wide eyes and a smile

When they saw my sword they started to laugh at me and took out their swords.

"You do know James Norrington taught me how to handle a sword."

They look at each other and while distracted I start to fight.They quickly realise and start to fight back.They seem shocked to see me with a confident look in my eyes as I stare at them.They start to tremble backwards and I lunged my sword forwards but they moved places swiftly.I slightly turn my head to the side and turn it again to turn forwards.They were shocked.I pushed them backwards while fighting and they ended up falling into a hole in the ground.It looked like a grave because it had the tomb before it.I look into the hole and give a sly smile.I then bow and turn to leave and I suddenly see part of Davy Jones's crew approach.

I rapidly knock one of their swords out and cut another ones head.Of course they are cursed so they wouldn't be able to die.I run to Elizabeth who has found a sword fighting next to her.She turns around fighting the ones fighting us from behind.One tries to attack me from the back i spin around and won the fight with him.


We both successful have got away from the crew now what i need to do is find James and stop the fighting.I wouldn't want James killed after I came all the way here to find him!I see James opening a jar of dirt and taking out what looked like a heart.Of course!After I placed the chest down beside me James must have found it and hidden it there but if im not mistaken that jar of dirt is Jack's.

"James!" I call out for him to wait for me

I reach him and grab onto his arm.We look at each other and...

"Run!" He tells me

We hold onto each other and run.


We have been running from quite some time now and we finally see a ship.I believe the ship had seen us because it had turned to us and was slowly stopping for us.

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