The One

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I walked in the cafeteria. Everyone was already there sitting and talking with their new friends. And I'm here alone. Then I notice there's one guy sitting down alone in a corner. I wondered should I try and sit by him and make friends. Or sit with the others. I decided to sit beside him but as soon as I got near his eyes stared to water and ran away. So I sat at the table alone and began to cry because I was so hungry and I forgot to pack a lunch. So I went to the bathroom again. And I heard the same tears as this morning. This time I decided to say something to them. "Hey, don't cry. You never know, someone could be falling in love with your smile." Then through the person's tears I heard, "You don't know what it's like to be don't know my story...fuck my one cares anyways." And I heard the tears get heavier. Then I decided to keep this conversion going. "I'd help you but you probably wouldn't trust a random person you found in the bathroom." And then I left. With not another word. As the day went on I couldn't find that boy in the bathroom or even the one in the cafeteria. For some reason I got scared. I mean I feel bad for them. I wanted to be their friend. But then again I guess the guy in the bathroom's right I don't know his story.  The rest of the day was gross. Watch our teacher flirt with the students. I don't really see what the guy see in her. I was so caught up in the guys crying thing that I missed the bus so I have to walk back to the shelter. As I was walking I heard the same crying as in the bathroom. And when I looked there was a boy sitting in a back alley crying and cutting. He didn't notice me coming near him. And then I tripped and he saw me. He tried running past me but I stopped him. "Look", I said. "Stop, hurting your self life gets better." Then he looked my straight in the eye and said, "Maybe for you, but I have nothing and I'm ending it right now."  And he pushed me out of the way and ran right towards a speeding truck. And all I heard was a scream and the horn of the truck. I didn't want to see the end result.

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