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Just before we left Suzy called out to me. "Winner, don't forget this." "Oh, yeah thank you Suzy. You're a life saver." Then we left . "Well, we got 3 hours alone. In the big world at night." I said holding on the Rick's arm tighter. "You're scared. Huh? Don't worry we'll be find. People don't normally attack you if you have a friend with you. Trust me.", then he kissed me on the cheek and gave me one of those I love you and I'll never let anyone hurt you smiles. "Alright, so do you know any strip clubs in the area that were hiring?" I said trying to get back on topic with my mom. "Yeah, actually it's in a alley. I'll show you. By the way what was that thing Suzy gave you before we left?" he said trying to look in my pockets. "The phone?", I said. "No, the other thing." "Oh, you mean this a pocket knife. It's just so no one can jump me.", I said put it back in my pocket. "Oh, can I borrow it?", said Rick as he stared at the ground. "Why?" And then it came to me Rick was a cutter. And what do cutter's do with sharp objects. They cut! "I...uh need to cut something." "No, Rick I'm not going to let you cut yourself." "But it's a habit! I'll go mad if I don't." "Well we're just going to have to break you out of that habit." Then he tried to go in my pockets. "Just let me do it. Once a cutter, always a cutter." "No Rick!" "Give it to me", he said with tears in his eyes. "Look Winner, I want to stop but I can't. I just can't.", then he tried to get it again. This time I kissed him. Right on the lips he wasn't expecting that. It last a couple minutes. It totally distracted him. Then we were walking again. "That's the alley.", he said pointing. "Wait, Rick I'll go first and make sure it's safe." I said pulling out my knife and smiling. "Oh, my hero!", he said in a girly voice. Then I walked in and someone grabbed me, they covered my mouth and made me drop the knife. Then he pushed me against the wall. He was right up against me. He showed me he had a gun and said his first words. "See my gun. Talk. Scream. Fight back. And you're done. Anyways, I like your curves." Then he pull the gun away. And he started feeling me he went lower and lower until he hit my belt. He looked up and gave me a evil smile and began to undo my belt. Then Rick came. All I could see was Rick's shadow.

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