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That night all I heard was the scream and that horn. It's like a nightmare. I didn't even talk to my mom. When I got to the shelter they told me she went to apply for a job. And when she got back I was still awake. I couldn't sleep it was just that stupid horn and that stupid scream. It just rang through my head the whole night. And when I finally pasted out. I had a nightmare. I actually saw him get hit it was terrifying. And then after I calmed down from the nightmare. I got a tingle inside. And then I started to tear up. It happened again. I had a crush on that guy. It happened once in grade 6. I had a mini crush on this guy and he told everyone. I lost all my friends. But my mom convinced me it was a one time thing. That I was perfectly straight. But no it's back. I'm officially gay! Well, this time I'm keeping it to myself. I can't believe I'm gay for a dead guy. But why would I get these feelings now...unless HE'S NOT DEAD! Okay, I'm going crazy. It's probably 5 in the morning. I'm going back to bed it will all blow over by 7. But no, it didn't I woke up to the news and the head story was girl saves boy from being hit by truck. I almost fainted when I saw this. My mom was still sleeping at this time. This time I packed my lunch and a lunch for the guy if he's at school. I can't believe I'm crushing on him. I don't even know the guys name. All I know is he cuts and appears to be suicidal. My mom was still sleeping when I had to leave for school so I left her a note. Dear mom, school's cool until your classmates and teacher start flirting. Besides that, it's kinda scary that I...well...sorta...have a crush on a cutter/suicidal guy. See mom it's not a "one time thing". I'm officially gay. I hope you can accept that. I love you mom. Best of luck on that job you applied to last night. xoxo, Winner The guy was there; at school. This time he came up to me. I think I had a heart attack or something because for a little I forgot how to breathe. But he came up to me and said, "So you want to...help me...?" I just managed to stutter out yes. Then he came closer to me and whispered in my ear, "We'll see about that. See you...in...2 weeks." And then he left with not another word.

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