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I swear by the end on the second week I was so terrified. It was like he was watching me. Like something terrifying would happen then I'd find a note. The notes were basically him teasing me. I don't why but I enjoyed the rush. But the thing was this was a secret if I told anyone there would be real trouble. I don't know why but my feelings for him kept growing. I actually loved the notes from him. I got all tingly inside. I love this feeling. But I got really worried when my mom actually got a job. She work from 6 to like 4 in morning. She wouldn't tell me where she worked. So, I we're both hiding something from each other, so it's even right? After awhile we got use to the outside world but it was still quite scary. Like the things that happened to me while earning this guys trust scared the crap out of me at night because I noticed these could actually happen. Like he got a guy to actually put a gun to his head and attempt to shot himself. And he wasn't messing when I was trying to get the gun out of him had he anciently fired it a few times but thank God all he was hitting was brick wall. But then the 2 week pasted and I didn't see him then in the bathroom wall the was a goodbye written with blood. I swear my heart broke completely when I was that. Then I heard the scream and the horn. I ran outside to the alley. I didn't see him. Then I saw a patch of blood on the floor. Then I assumed the worst. Then out of nowhere two guys grabbed me. I couldn't move. Then I heard a voice from be hide me. "I like your friend he got guts. I thought he would have ended it by now. But no he didn't. Did you like my test? It was cute seeing you freak like that. I thought it would be fun to mess with you. Exspecially when you think it's him that's messing with you. Guess what? Everything was me. The notes, the challenges, this trap. You make this too easy on me. Well, I guess I should introduce us. I'm Thug Daddy. And your friend, his name is Rick. Well, I brought you heard so you can witness Rick's last breathe and you're own." I couldn't move and I didn't know what to say. I was so weak in the knees, I almost forgot how to stand.

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