Kaveh 1

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Author's note: I know very little about science so all info about it is either made up or I googled it!!


"I hope you know what you're doing with your newest line of research! It's not something I would've chosen for a Kshahrewar researcher!"

Kaveh just rolled his eyes

Of course Alhaitham wouldn't understand.

"As you would know soo much about Kshahrewar. You're a Haravatat!"

"I am also a scribe! And was the acting sage! You tend to forget that part!" Alhaitham stated without even looking up from his book! The nerve on that guy.

Kaveh grunted, "can we have one conversation without you mentioning your stupid title?"

Alhaitham said nothing in return.

Kaveh waited a moment before continuing, "Nevermind, I don't need to explain anything to you. I'm going to submit it whether you like it or not!"

As Kaveh started heading out the door when Alhaitham sighed, "If you are so determined to do this I recommend that you at least do if with someone like Tighnari!"

Tighnari of course, why didn't I think of that? As the bio expert in our friend group! Damn you Alhaitham!

"Fine!" Was all Kaveh said before leaving.


"A new version of a ley line disruption device?" Tighnari asked while looking at Kaveh's proposal.

"Yes, during the event a month ago I came across local wildlife that was lost due to the Ley line disruptor's effects. I'm trying to figure out a way to stop that from happening in the future." Kaveh said.

Tighnari looked over his proposal once more then stated " There's only one problem with your current findings!"

Kaveh stood up from where he was sitting and ran to Tighnari's side to see if he could find the problem. After a second of looking he asked "Where?"

"Even though biology is my line of Expertise and technology is yours, neither of us are well versed in the art of Aetiology!" Tighnari stated.

Kaveh scoffed, "is it really necessary to bring in a member of Vahumana in this? We don't know any of them!"

"Though that is true, messing with the ley lines is already an unstable study without someone from Vahumana signing on, the academia will take one look at it and say no without even blinking an eye!"

"Damn it! Well, it looks like I'm going to the academia for a Vahumana researcher!"


Kaveh looked around the academia for at least an hour before seeing any Vahumana researchers!

Just his luck that there would be a Lecture at the same time of his arrival.

He looked around in the sea of people who were leaving the lecture hall when he heard a familiar voice "If you don't want criticism on your writing then don't publish it."

Hat Guy of course! He would be perfect for this. Plus it's less awkward then walking up to a total stranger

The man he was talking to sighed, "I didn't mind your paper on my essay, but did you have to bring it up in class?"

"Since the Tatarasuna mystery was the topic, yes I did!" Hat guy said.

Oh so that's Aqaba!

Kaveh had heard about the paper hat guy had written against him. He didn't even consider the chaos it had caused the man!

"You.... I'm sick of you." Aqaba said.

"Ouch, if you plan on insulting me in future, you better have a greater comeback then that!" Hat guy stated.

Aqaba stormed away.

"Heh what an academic failure!" Hat guy said to himself as soon as Aqaba was out of hearing range.

That's my queue Kaveh though as he walked closer to hat guy

"Umm excuse me Hat guy was it?"

Hat guy sighed, then turned around and seemed surprised

"What are you doing at this lecture?"

"I'm actually looking for you!" Kaveh said

"Why? Have you come to get revenge?" Hat guy had said

"What? No! Why would I want revenge on you?" Kaveh asked

Hat guy shrugged.

Kaveh sighed then said, "I need help from a researcher from Vahumana and of course you are the only one I have met!"

"You want me on your research team?" Hat guy said while unknowingly got the attention of those around them.

"Just for this project!" Kaveh said, while handling hat guy the paper he had written.

Hat guy rolled his eyes,took the paper, and said "I'll think about it!"

Then walked off.

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