Kaveh 3

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Kaveh knew he was going to be in a lot of trouble for this.

A student?!?! How did he not think of that?

It was an oversight to say the least.

Alhaitham, if he finds out he will never live it down.

He would have to worry about that later. Right now he's got nari to deal with

"I know what you are gonna say.. but hear me out"

Tighnari glared at him so he stopped what he was about to say.

"Do you really? Because if you did then we would not be in this mess. A STUDENT?!? Seriously?? I thought you took the Necessary steps before recruiting him. But nOo you just found some random researcher and offered the job to him on site." Tighnari said in the same voice Kaveh had heard him use before on Cyno or a villager after doing something stupid.

Archons help me.

Before Kaveh said anything in his defense Tighnari's ear turned. Kaveh heard nothing but knew from previous experience that it meant something or someone was coming.

After a moment Tighnari said, "Aren't you supposed to be working?"

Like he'd been summoned, the grand Mahamatra walked in.

"Well technically I am, I'm here on business!" Cyno said.

Kaveh was a little relieved at that

Cyno is less likely to make a dumb joke if he's working.

"Go on!" Tighnari said.

Cyno gave the papers he was holding to Kaveh then said. "The murder scene you guys saw, I asked hat guy to recall exactly what happened and write it down."

"That is not normal protocol." Kaveh commented.

"I'm aware of that but because none of my men believed a word he said, I thought I would let the two of you confirm it. And since the matra refused to write down such a blatant lie I had him do it." Cyno answered.

Kaveh looked at the paper. Unlike other scholars and student's writings that Kaveh had seen before it was Blunt. Straight to the point, only the important details were there. Unlike the others who would use language that spoke over most people's heads. It was something that scholars could understand and students could easily study.

If he wrote an important paper.....

The look on Tighnari's face made it clear that he had come up with a similar understanding.

They needed hat guy on this team.

After Cyno left the two of them got started on the necessary paperwork.


Kaveh was delivering the last paper when he actually saw hat guy.

"You can't just write four paragraphs on why I shouldn't require four PARAGRAPHS." The teacher yelled.

"You said it could be about whatever I wanted." Hat guy argued.

"I meant like the mystery of Tatarasuna or the myth on the aranara." The teacher said.

"You didn't specifically say that. Plus half the class would write about the Tatarasuna mystery. I wanted to be original." Hat guy said.

The teacher sighed in annoyance.

The teacher was more then likely going to berate him more but luckily helooked over.

"Ahh Kaveh, I was told to expect you." The teacher said.

Hat guy whipped his head around.

"Of course, you were my last stop." Kaveh said

"Stop? Why are you going up to a Vahumana researcher?" Hat guy asked. Dang he's probably worried about getting replaced.

"As if you don't already know. Kaveh and Tighnari have been giving a request to take you out of classes temporarily while you are helping them with their research." The teacher said then turned to Kaveh and added. "You boys will have your hands full with this one. Honestly it will be nice to have a break, and maybe he will learn to respect his superiors."

"I respect my superiors, you just aren't one of them." Hat guy said. Dang this kid is bold.

"YOU...(sigh) please just get out of my classroom." The teacher said.

Hat guy rolled his eyes then walks out of the room.

Kaveh follows soon after with the last of the papers signed.

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