Tighnari 6

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Tighnari was pacing.

He often did when contemplating things.

Cyno's words have been turning around in his head all day!
A foreign Power? How would an electro shock be called foreign?
He had tried to get Cyno to explain more in detail.
But he couldn't! It was unknown! And that scared him.

An old wound!
What feels like forever ago, Tighnari was struck by lightning.
It didn't seem off at the time, but looking back he wonders. It didn't feel like normal electric power. While fixing Karkata he was shocked multiple times. But it felt different. Not only that it was a minor shock and getting hit by lightning was an extreme. But there's always something more alive with an electro user and a mechanical life form. Cyno had also shocked him several times. So he knows the difference.

He was so distracted that he didn't notice Kaveh walk up until he said, "We're here!"

Tighnari jumped a little at that.

"Kaveh? Why are you here? I thought we agreed that we would reconvene tomorrow." Tighnari said.

"Well.. yeah but .. is it really inconvenient if we came earlier?" Kaveh asked. Odd he's usually so confident! well he at least acts like it.

"We?" He asked simply.

"Yeah, Wanderer's with me! He already went to the campsite!" Kaveh said.

"Didn't he get electrocuted this morning? Shouldn't he be resting?" Tighnari asked.

"Oh he definitely should be! But he was going to head here anyway so I figured if I came with him then he wouldn't die in the forest or get lost!" Kaveh said.

"How did you even hear about his plans?" Tighnari asked.

"Here I'll explain on the way! You're gonna LOVE this!" Kaveh said sarcastically.


Tighnari was going to kill that boy!
If Wanderer doesn't get himself killed first!
And if he sees Faruzan anytime soon she'll get a verbal beating!!
But one thing was clear
Wanderer is a drama magnet!
And Tighnari wasn't sure if he caused most of it or he's just really unlucky!

When Kaveh and Tighnari got to the campsite, Wanderer was sharpening a claymore.

"HEY THAT'S MINE!" Kaveh yelled.

"It is? I couldn't tell!" Wanderer said sarcastically.

"How did you... why would you.. I don't..." Kaveh tried but failed to understand this!

Tighnari was also confused but he knew it would be better to keep his mouth shut.

"It was dull! Now it's not your welcome!" Wanderer said as he handed Kaveh his weapon.

Kaveh examined his blade.
"It.. it hasn't been this sharp since I originally bought it. I thought you were a catalyst user!" Kaveh stated.

"I am! I used to work under a skilled blacksmith. He taught me the trade." Wanderer stated.

It was at that moment that Tighnari realized that this wasn't a happy topic for him
somewhere in between first meeting Wanderer and now, Tighnari had somehow picked up on his emotions. When was that? Tighnari couldn't say.

Apparently Kaveh hadn't picked up on it because he asked, "Wait, you could be a blacksmith but you signed up for the Akademiya? Wouldn't it be easier to make money doing that than half the jobs that Vahumana could offer?"

Wanderer glared. "My teacher was murdered before I had finished my training. I haven't been able to make a sword since."

Now that was clearly a lie. But Tighnari didn't call him out.

Kaveh said "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to.." but Wanderer stopped him by saying. "I know! Can we just go back to work?"

Tighnari rolled his eyes then said Yes!

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