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To say Wanderer was pissed would be an understatement.

He had a nightmare, was electrocuted, And these people who claimed to be his friends were acting like attacking Cyno was an overreaction.

How absurd.

It didn't help that he had to walk home in that stupid akademiya uniform.

The guards at the door didn't even recognize him.

Not that he liked being recognized by those idiots but it was still insulting.

And then there was Kusanali.

It was an ongoing argument but it still hurt.

Buer didn't understand.

She thinks that the nightmares will help him.

All they've done is take away the silent sleep used to bring and gotten him electrocuted.

Wanderer was really distracted when he stormed off and ran right into faruzan.

"Watch where you're going!" Faruzan said.

"Oh I'm sorry, were you watching where you were going? Because I find it pretty hypocritical that we ran into each other and you blame me." Wanderer said.

Faruzan huffed. "Respect your elders, young man!"

This is one of the rare moments that he wondered what would happen if he revealed his secrets. What would happen? Would she laugh it off? Would she tell everyone? But It was too risky!

"Elders? I don't see any elders here! Oh wait, are you referring to the Time that you got trapped in a ruin for 100 years? Where time froze? Interesting, because if time was frozen, then you didn't age, and if you didn't age then I am older than you! So why don't you run home little girl! I have a place to be." Wanderer said then started to walk around her.

"Little girl? I'll show you little!" Faruzan muttered before throwing herself off the side of the walkway.

And of course a matra was passing at that exact moment. Faruzan was already pointing up.

It was too late to run.


Cyno had to go to work around 15:00 on this terrible schedule.

Usually he gets to pick his own schedule, but he was covering for one of the supervisors who was on Paternity leave.

'Just one more week!' Cyno thought as he walked into the building.

As soon as he did, he started to regret getting to work on time.

Faruzan was waving her hands like a mad woman.

So he walked up to the poor officer who she was pestering.

"What's the situation?" Cyno asked with his usual work voice.

"General, I'm glad you're here. I was just explaining to this civilian that she can't press charges on someone without any evidence or eye witnesses." The officer said.

"Civilian? You're not going to let him speak about me like that are you?" Faruzan said.

Cyno resisted rolling his eyes. He doesn't hate her. But she has caused a lot of issues in the past.

Ignoring her, Cyno looked at the officer and asked. "What are the details?"

"Well a rookie was on shift when he saw this woman fall. He helped her up and she claimed someone pushed her. The rookie arrested him on site. But with no evidence the suspect will be released." The officer said.

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