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To say Cyno was a little nervous would be factual

But he refused to let it show

Especially when she was right next to him.

She was nothing but excited to meet Cyrus. She had already met Alhaitham who more than likely is the only guest who doesn't care. Cyrus, Kaveh, and Tighnari have definitely at the very least heard of her at the least. The new guy had probably seen her before if the rumors are to be believed. Collei also has met her but whether or not she can come is always a problem with her homework and her duties as a forest ranger. Dehya and Candace also knew her but only Dehya could make it due to the fact that there is no one to watch over Aaru village so he'll have to tell Candace on a different day. His weird yet welcoming family. Not one drop of blood the same but they were his family nonetheless. Except hatguy who had only gotten invited so Cyno could figure out what his deal was without Tighnari scolded him. He hopes this will go well. She could tell he was nervous so she grabbed his hand and said. "Hey, don't worry so much."

Cyno just smiled at her. She could apparently see right through him.


She knocked on Cyru's door. They could've just walked right in due to the fact that it was Cyno's father's house. But she makes a point to save her dramatic entrances for the stage.

From the other side of the door he heard Tighnari say. "I'll get it! Kaveh if you even touch that bottle I will make sure it will be the last thing you ever touch."

'Great first impression' Cyno thought.

Tighnari opened the door and said. "You're late!"

"How late?" Cyno asked. He knew they were late already. He had to escort her out of the grand bazaar after she had tried several times to avoid traffic.

"Kaveh is already wasted. Dehya has started a drinking game with hat guy, Collei has already been escorted back to Grandhava vile, and Alhaitham has finished a book and has moved on to another one." Tighnari said.

"So I'm not that late." Cyno said.

His girlfriend looked at him, probably reconsidering her life choices then looked to Tighnari and said. "I don't think we have met."

"We haven't met I am...," Tighnari said but was interrupted by Dehya who said. "Nilou? What are you doing here? I thought you would have had a performance tonight."

"I left earlier so I could make it!" Nilou said.

They walked into the dining room where everyone else was.

"Kaveh, I think you've had enough for the night." Alhaitham said not even looking up from his book.

"Of course you were AlHaiThaM." Kaveh said.

"How did you even get drunk with this stuff? It's practically water." Hat guy said.

"I aM nOt dRuNk." Kaveh stated as he started to pour more wine in his glass.

"If you pour any more of that in your glass you'll be sleeping in jail with electro scars." Cyno said with his claws out to make his point clear.

"CynO youR hEreee. And yOur GirLfriEnd to." Kaveh said.

Welp Kaveh will be reintroduced later.

"How much have you had?" Nilou asked

Hat guy laughed. "Only 5 glasses! He should not be this drunk. I've had more than him. And I'm not even showing any signs of even being tipsy."

"Are you sure you should be drinking?" Tighnari asked, clearly worried.

'Something must've happened for Tighnari to worry like that! Why didn't he tell me?' Cyno thought.

Hat guy rolled his eyes, "I'm fine! I've had more alcohol than this, with the stronger stuff in a shorter period of time. I can handle it!"

"Oh yeah? Put your money where your mouth is!" Dehya said as she poured two shots.

Hat guy drank them both.

"Hey, that second one was mine." Dehya shouted. Hat guy only laughed at her.

It was this moment that Cyrus decided to walk into the room.

"There he is! I was getting worried you wouldn't show." Cyrus said as he hugged his son.

"Like I could miss your birthday." Cyno said.

They let go and Cyno added. "Dad, this is my girlfriend, Nilou!"

Dehya spit out her drink in shock.

"It's an honor to meet you sir!" Nilou said.

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