Wanderer 3

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Just like most of his life, the puppet only had a little time of peace.

Being removed from the project that he didn't even want to do was a relief.

Literally twenty four hours later he was back on the team.

He was pissed to say the least.

When Kaveh first walked in he was hoping he would ask his least favorite teacher to join the project! But of course he's not that lucky.

At least he got to finish his current assignments before they did this.

"Hat guy, wait!" Kaveh yelled as he was trying to catch up.

The puppet rolled his eyes but stopped so he could catch up.

"Man, you're fast." Kaveh said as he tried to catch his breath.

The puppet shrugged, "I don't really think about speed." A lie! It was mostly out of habit that he was speed walking through the halls, something he had to do to get anywhere in the fatui headquarters.

"Oh, well anyway, I just wanted to let you know that we won't be working on the project today, but tomorrow Tighnari plans on getting up early to get some of it started." Kaveh said.

"Ok then I'll see you tomorrow!" He said as he started to walk away.

"WAIT!" Kaveh said as he grabbed the puppet's arm.

He just froze. Fingers on his hand. Not direct contact with his skin but...

<"the abyss? Are you serious? What a waste of time!" An echo of what was said years before

How many? The puppet couldn't recall.

"if it were up to me Dottore, I would still be on that table, letting you tear me apart! Unfortunately this order came from the top!" The puppet had responded.

"It better have! because if I find out that you purposely left me and put all my experiments on hold." Dottore said as he grabbed Scaramouche's neck, "I will scrap you for parts!"

"Good thing I didn't lie then!" Scara said defensively.

Dottore dropped him. But as he was leaving he said. "Word of caution, Scaramouche! You reel that attitude in to use on those below your station. Otherwise you'll lose your > "HAT GUY!?!" Kaveh's voice broke him out of the flashback.

He wasn't standing, he realized.

He was on the floor.

He pushed Kaveh off him.

"What were you doing?!?" The puppet asked.

"CPR! Your heart stopped! I thought you died!" Kaveh said clearly trying to calm down.

"As you can see I'm fine!" He said

He didn't have a heart but he didn't mention it!

"Are you sure? You should go see a doctor. I can.." "NO!" The puppet shut down before it got any farther.

He got up and started heading home

Kaveh said from behind him, "are you sure?"

"I've seen enough doctors!" Was all he said.


The walk back to the sanctuary of Surasthana was a complete blur.

Memories of his years as Dottore' s personal pin cushion came to him in flashes.

Normally he could avoid things like this. But when he gets reminded by something that's said (or someone touches old wounds apparently) he's completely out of commission for the rest of the day.

A puppet among researchersWhere stories live. Discover now