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Alhaitham was tired of doing stuff for other people.

Well he never liked doing it in the first place. But when the lesser lord gets mail apparently he was responsible for delivering it to her.

Why? He didn't know
But here he was
So he knocked.

"You can come in!" The lesser lord said from the other side of the door.

So he entered.

"Oh Alhaitham, I wasn't expecting you here! What brings you to the sanctuary of Surasthana?" She asked.

"I have a letter from Fontaine's Iudex." Alhaitham said as he handed her the letter.

She read the letter pretty quickly.
Then looked back at Alhaitham and said, "Sumaru will be hosting the meeting among Archons! I will need you to tell the grand Mahamatra and the astrologist Layla that when the Archons arrive their presence will be required there. Your presence will also be required."

Well crap.

"What about the other three darshan representatives?" Alhaitham asked.

"I'll tell them myself." The lesser lord said

"If you are going where I think you're going, then you have saved me a trip! Please hand this to Kaveh!" Alhaitham said as he handed the lesser lord an envelope.


She made her way to Grandhava vile.

She confirmed all three of their locations via a very confused Collei.
Surprisingly the boys were not at the campsite.
But they were near the waterfall on the outskirts of the village.

Even before she got close enough for them to see her she could hear their conversation

"Not this one!" Wanderer said as he threw rock into a pile of other rocks.

"Can't you do this at the campsite? There are plenty of rocks there. And a few under my tent that it would be great if they vanished." Kaveh asked.

"The rocks under your tent have never marked a corpse road." Wanderer stated as he inspected another rock.

"He's right, rocks that have marked ley lines have elemental properties. It would not work with any other rocks." Tighnari said as placed a rock in the box.

"Then why not find a holy line and take them from there?" Kaveh asked.

"Because it would disturb the economic structure of the ley line. And could hurt the local wildlife. And isn't your project designed to help prevent that?" Nahida asked.

All the boys turned to the voice.
Tighnari was surprised, Kaveh was confused, And wanderer glared.

"What do you want?" Wanderer asked.

"Uh wanderer, you may not want to speak to her that way." Tighnari said carefully.

"Or anyone that way! It's extremely rude!" Kaveh added.

"Oh no I know exactly who I am speaking to! So I'll repeat myself, WHAT DO YOU WANT KUSANALI?" Wanderer said.

Both Kaveh and Tighnari were shocked.

"I'm actually here to speak to all three of you! I need representatives of each Darshan soon! The hydro archon has summoned all the seven for a meeting. And I want the best for each Darshan has to stand with me." Kusanali said.

"NO! No way you'll get me in a room with that woman!" Wanderer stated.

Kaveh pushed wanderer behind him then responded. "We are all honored to be invited and will ALL attend!"

"Wanderer, I know what I'm asking you to do! I know it's been years since you have been in the same room as her but I need you! You are to be my right hand at the meeting!" Kusanali said.

Wanderer sighed. "Fine! But if this whole thing ends poorly, don't blame me!" Then he walked upstream (more than likely looking for more rocks)

"I shall take my leave now!" She said then turned to leave but then remembered something. "Oh Kaveh i almost forgot, this letter is for you!"

She handed him the letter then walked away!


This is the current end of this story!

Fear not!
There will be more! But due to the plot change I separated these two parts!
I hope you aren't too mad at me lol!

The next part of this story will be called "the meeting of Mortals and Archons!"
So keep an eye out!

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