Wanderer 6/ ?????

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Wanderer's vision cleared. Cyno was sitting in front of him like before. Except they were both on the floor.

"What happened?" He asked.

"You had a panic attack!" Cyno answered.

"What?" Wanderer sputtered.

A panic attack? Is that what these humans called it?
It was more than panic.
The fear that had been with him for somewhere around 300-400 years!
Panic is putting it lightly in his opinion.

"Who saw?" Wanderer inquiried.

"Just me and the do- medic." Cyno reassured.

It seems that he had purposely not use the word "doctor" well crap.

Wanderer rolled his eyes and said, "You don't have to walk on eggshells! I'm not gonna freak out at the word doctor!"

"Oh!" Was all Cyno said.

After a moment, Wanderer stood.

"Am I free to go?" Wanderer inquired.

Cyno was about to answer when someone burst through the door.

"I came as soon as I heard." Kaveh said in between breaths.

"Kevah, your wanderer's emergency contact?" Cyno asked.

"No, I had to hear it from one of the Matra! You may want to change your emergency contact by the way!" Kaveh stated.

"I didn't even know I had an emergency contact!" Wanderer said.

"Who was listed?" Cyno questioned.

"The Lesser lord!" Kaveh answered.

"Of course it was!" Wanderer said, rolling his eyes.

Apparently Buer had set that up a while ago without telling him. So freaking typical.

"I'll get that fixed." Wanderer said after a few minutes.

"Actually you can fix that here! I'll deliver the paperwork after my shift." Cyno stated as he went to get the papers.

After Cyno left, Kevah said. "Sooo umm, do you mind not telling anyone about where I live?"

"Why?" Wanderer asked.

"Well.. I'm in massive debt. And Alhaitham is the only one who has enough room for me and is the most affordable place." Kaveh said.

"Who would I even tell?" Wanderer asked.

Kaveh opened his mouth before closing it again. Then he said "fair enough."

"I'm back!" Cyno said, while handing Wanderer the paper.

While Wanderer looked over the paperwork, he reached out to Nahida.

'You really had everything planned didn't you?' He asked

'Wanderer, what are you referring to?' Buer asked.

'You put your name as my emergency contact!' Wanderer stated.

'How do you know that?' Buer asked.

'It doesn't matter! Because I'm taking you off it!' Wanderer stated.

'Wanderer wait! You can't do that!' Buer said.

'Why not?' Wanderer asked.

'Because no one else understands your biochemistry!' Buer stated.

'You don't even understand it!' Wanderer said.

'Ok true! But if someone else was to find out.."

'If someone were to find out it would be my decision not yours! Goodbye Buer!' Wanderer said before blocking her out.

Then he signed the paper.
Then headed to Grandhava vile!

~meanwhile in another nation~

"You asked to see me grand master?" He said as he entered.

"Yes Kaeya, thanks for coming!" Jean said.

"Is this about the letter you got from Fontaine?" Kaeya asked.

"Actually yes, we are required to send two or more people to Sumeru! And I have chosen you as well as someone else!" Jean stated.

" oh? And who might I be going with?" Kaeya asked.

"Venti!" Jean answered.

"The bard?" Kaeya asked.

"Look I know it doesn't make any sense but he has to go!" Jean said.

"Ok but why must we go to Sumeru?" Kaeya asked.

Jean sighed and said. "Inazuma hates Mondstandt because freedom is the opposite of eternity, Liyue has no Acheron, Inazuma is too far out of the way, and Fontaine is too public!"

"Ok fair! When do I leave?" Kaeya asked.

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