So Maybe I'm Not Ok

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I walk around the castle looking at old paintings, ones of Noah when he was a bay. Gotta admit he was adorable. I get to my room finally and lay down resting my leg on the side of the bed, but when I bring it up to the bed I scream in pain.

"OH YOU MOTHER FUCKER!" I exclaim holding my leg shaking. I hear someone come into my room but I do not even bother opening my eyes to see who it is. I feel someone rush to my side and sit down next to me scared to say anything. "Before you say anything It's a minor scar!"

"A minor fucking scar?! RORY YOU JUST YELLED OUT 'MOTHER FUCKER' BRCAUSE OF YOUR PAIN! YOU ARE PRACTICALLY BLEEDING OUT ON THE SHEETS!" He says looking at me with fear in his eyes, he knew it was bad. Why does he have to care so much about me, let me suffer in peace damn it!

"Did I ever tell you how handsome you are?" I smile and he scoffs looking at my leg. 

"Yes, my love every day" He sighs laughing " what kind of steel was this made out of?" He asks me looking at my leg farther.

"They were made out of emerald gemstone I believe, fancy" I laugh a little and he looks back at me in fear.

He explains to me that emerald harms people like us, magic people, severely. He gets me some medical attention and once my wound is stitched up and the girl is gone he looks at me before leaving trying to make sure I'm ok before he leaves me to suffer alone, finally. I look over at Artemis who is at my side.

I look over at my dagger on my vanity and sit on the edge of my bed. Ok Auroura you got this, just stand up you got it. I try and stand up and stay there for a few seconds but stagger back on my bed. I sigh and look over at Artemis who is on my lap trying to comfort me, I scratch her under her chin. I set her in her cage gently by teleporting her but even that makes me tired.

I close my eyes resting my head gently on the pillow. In the middle of the night I start to shiver as I was still in my day outfit. I wake up and try to get up only to use the wall for support, I walk over to Noah's room and knock. He opens it and I use the doorframe for support.

"Noah I don't know what's happening, this is the worst I have felt in so long can I stay in your room with you?" I ask him and finally I fall into his arms closing my eyes out of exhaustion. He takes me to his bed and pulls me close being gentle with my leg. 

"I love you Darling" He mumbles just enough for me to hear

"I love you too mon amour" I say before drifting off to sleep

damn it I wanted to be the first one to say it.

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