It Never Happens to Me

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Love's just a door and there's no key. Maybe that's the way my life was meant to be...

You were in a coffee shop drinking piping hot drink while looking out the window. Right now you had a lot going on in your head. You had lost your job and had no more source of income. You also had no one to support you emotionally as you had no friends or family. You were given away as a baby. You always felt the same everyday. Unwanted and Unloved.

Y/N: What am I gonna do now? I have no job or anyone to ask for help....

You rested a hand on the top of your head. Before you began to think, someone interrupted your thoughts.

Woman: Umm, excuse me...would you mind if I sat here? Normally I wouldn't ask, but the cafe's basically full and there's nowhere else to sit...

The woman had a red bob hair cut and equally red eyes. She had a red autumn coat with black pants and red boots.

Y/N: Umm sure I don't mind. 

The redhead grabbed a chair next to you and scooted close to you. It looked like she was drinking some cinnamon coffee drink.

Woman: Oh thank you. I promise I won't be a bother. That said, you do seem a little downtrodden. I know it's not my place, being a stranger and all, but if you'd like to clear the air I'm happy to listen. It'd be the least I could do to thank you for letting me sit here. My name is Pyra.

Y/N: My name is Y/N....

Pyra: That's a nice name. Now tell me what's wrong sweetie.

Y/N told the newly introduced Pyra about his problems. She seemed to be nodding to everything you were telling her. She gave a sympathetic smile and rubbed your back.

Pyra: Oh...I'm sorry to hear that. What a time to lose your job. It must be awfully hard, especially not having anybody to support you emotionally through it. Hmmm. I might have an idea to help you, if you're interested. You wouldn't have to anything complicated, or even difficult. All you'd have to do is... stare at my chest.

Y/N could feel himself blushing. Flashing a quick peek you did have to admit she has a nice bust.

Y/N: Umm I don't know. I don't want to make you uncomfortable.

Pyra: Oh no, it's okay! You don't have to be embarrassed. I know you've been stealing glances here and there. It's pretty routine for me, so I've learned to stop minding it. And you know I wouldn't mind a cutie like you staring.

 And you know I wouldn't mind a cutie like you staring

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(She smiles at you like this.)

Pyra: But I want you to give it your full attention, okay? I'm going to take some deep breathes, and I want you to watch my breasts carefully. Just watch as they rise and fall while I breathe in... and out.

You watch her chest carefully while trying to avoid looking like a pervert. Pyra then grabs your hand and interlocks her warm fingers with yours. 

Pyra: It's so easy to follow, isn't it sweetie? So easy to let your own breathing sync up with mine. In... and out. Just like that. Let's do it a few more time okay sweetie?

The redhead gently squeezes your hand. With her other free hand, she rubs and scratches the back of your head.

Pyra: It's very relaxing, isn't it sweetie? And so easy to do. They're a little heavy, but that's okay. You can feel them if you want. 

You slowly reach out and grab one. They're rather squishy and heavy. You grope one softly which causes her to moan a little quietly.

Pyra: You can leave the hard work to me sweetie, and just let my big, heavy breasts weigh you down. Feel yourself sink a little more every time they rise and fall, let them pull your consciousness deeper and deeper...

She starts to rub her hand in your hair. Pyra was whispering in your ear at this point.

Y/N: I-

Pyra placed a finger on your lip to shush you.

Pyra: Shhhhh. Focus on me until there's nothing but my chest in your eyes, and my soft voice in your ears. And we'll stay like this for a bit, breathing together, so calm and relaxed, the way you deserve it.

She caresses your cheek and rubs her thumb in circular motions.

Pyra: Now I'm not going to take you deep enough for rewriting just yet. It's too risky in public, isn't it dear? But when we're done with our lunch here, I'd love to take you back to my place to submerge you even more, and then hold you just the way you like it. And once I'm done comforting you, you have to ever worry about finding awful job under and uncaring and mean boss just to put food on a lonely table ever again.

You didn't know what to say. You began to form tears of joy and hug the redhead. She hugs you tight and pats your head.

Y/N: Thank you Pyra!

Pyra: Oh Y/N. You'll wake up every day in loving service to a beautiful blade, who loves you in return, and I'll make sure you have all your needs tended to. Doesn't that sound wonderful Y/N?

Y/N: It does...I-I love you Pyra!

You say happily in her chest though it came out a little muffled. She giggles and kisses your forehead.

Pyra: Come on my good little boy. Let's go to your new home!

                                                                     THE END

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