Mine! And only mine!

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When I first started dating Pyra, I didn't expect her to be possessive of me. Anytime she would turn yandere mode, her core crystal would turn purple. She would kill any female that would try and talk to me like Nia for example.

Right now I woke up from our bed and saw Pyra sleeping with her favorite red knife. I got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make her a breakfast in bed. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, and blueberries. Perfect.

I lifted the tray of food and went to our bedroom. The door made a little bit of noise when I opened it. Pyra mewled in her sleep. I set the tray on her top of her tummy and she started waking up.

Pyra: Babe?

Y/N: Happy birthday sweetie!

I kissed her forehead and she hugs me.

Pyra: Birthday? Today?

Y/N: Well..it's the day I resonated you from your core crystal.

Pyra: I see...

Y/N: Where do you want to go for your birthday babe?

Pyra thought for a few seconds before finally making up her mind.

Pyra: How about the mall?

Y/N: Perfect! I'll buy whatever you want!

I laid on the bed with my lovely Pyra and fed her the breakfast. After breakfast she got up and got dressed and helped me choose an outfit too.

We went to the mall and I bought tons of clothes for my queen. Most of the clothes she bought was red. Her favorite color. I spent a lot of money on her but hey, she is my girlfriend after all.

When we reached Spencers, Pyra wanted to buy some toys to try on me. She told me to wait outside so I did just that. While waiting, a Gormotti girl approached me and began to flirt with me.

Gormotti Girl: Hey there handsome!

Y/N: Uhh hi?

Gormotti Girl: What's a handsome guy like you doing here all alone?

Y/N: Well I'm with my girlfriend and-.

Gormotti Girl: Must not be much of a girlfriend if she's leaving you alone! 

Y/N: Well I-.

Gormotti Girl: Why don't you come and meet me in the women's restroom on the first floor? I'll be waiting for you.

She kisses me cheek and walks off. I'm left there wondering what I should do.

Pyra: Hey babe I'm back!

Instantly, she grabs my chin and forces me to look at her.

Pyra: Who kissed you!

Y/N: How did you know?

Pyra: I can sense it Y/N! Now answer me.

Her tone got more commanding so I told her the truth. She handed me the shopping bags and told me to follow her to the women's bathroom. When we made it to the entrance, Pyra made me stay outside.

Minutes later, I heard the screams of a girl coming inside the restrooms. I ran inside, hoping Pyra wasn't hurt. There was blood everywhere and the same Gormotti Girl who tried to flirt with me was dead.

Pyra had her red sword covered in blood and was shaking violently with her eyes wide open.

Pyra: You deserve it. You deserve it. You deserve it. 

I walked up to my girlfriend and slowly took the sword away from her. Pyra looked at me with her crazed eyes.

Y/N: C-Come on sweetie, it's time to go....

Pyra: Yes my love...

I grabbed some paper towels and cleaned her up. When trying to clean between her thighs she kept panting heavily.

Y/N: Is everything okay?

Pyra: Y-Y/N, keep touching me there...

I cleaned her inner thigh until she pulled down her red shorts and grabbed my hair. She grabbed my head with both hands now and shove my face towards her pussy.

Pyra: LICK.

And so I began licking her insides. It tasted sort of nasty but I got used to it. Pyra climaxed in a couple of minutes because of how fast I ate her out.

Y/N: You um taste good sweetie.

Pyra: Thank you...

I pat her head and she puts her shorts back on. We went outside the bathrooms and head home. While driving home, Pyra sucked me off in which I gladly accepted it. 

When we got home she threw the bags from shopping onto the couch. Pyra grabbed my collar and kissed me roughly. Her tongue explored the inside of my mouth before she led us both to the bedroom. She picks me up and throws me on the bed.

Y/N: Woah sweetie!

Pyra: Stay still...

She goes under the bed and pulls out some handcuffs. Pyra handcuffs me onto the bed and rips my clothes off. Her amour disappears and she put lube on my cock.

Pyra: We're going to make love and I'm not stopping until you impregnate me.

And with that we had sex for 10 hours in which I most likely impregnated Pyra.

Pyra  x M! Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now