You're safe with me

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It currently 9 pm in the little village of Fonsett. We see a little Y/N wandering through streets and alleyways. Why was he roaming through night? Well, you see Y/N has no family. His parents abandoned him when he was a mere few years old when they decided that we wasn't important to them.

Y/N is now 6 years old and doesn't remember his parents. His earliest memory was of him getting yelled at by a shopkeeper just for asking for food. Ever since then, Y/N has been fending for himself to try and survive. Winter is fast approaching for our small hero, and he still hasn't found a place to sleep.

Y/N's POV: 

Y/N: S-So cold....

I was walking through the streets of Fonsett. I'm trying to ask for a place to sleep and everyone I asked has said no. I overheard some people saying a snow storm is coming. I can already feel it approaching. Some snow has already landed on my head and shoulders. 

To make matters worse, every time I cough, blood comes out. I think I'm sick. The hospitals here don't help the poor like me. It's okay though. I've got nothing to lose of I die.

Y/N coughs up some blood and stumbles on his knees. He's on the ground now and is coughing violently. I heard footsteps quickly rushing towards me and felt someone pick me up.

????: Don't worry, you're going to be alright.

I couldn't move without hurting myself. I felt dizzy and passed out but not before I hear the person's voice again.

????: You poor thing. You must be in so much pain.


I woke up on a small bed in a living room. Where am I? And what am I doing here? I looked around the small home and saw there were framed photos of a woman in red. Was she the person who brought me here?

I sat up and tried to figure things out when I heard the same soft voice again.

????: How are you feeling?

It was a woman in red. She had a small smile on her face. The tall woman kneels next to me on the couch.

Y/N: H-Hurts.

I simply say to avoid wasting my energy. 

????: Where does it hurt?

I point to my chest and she nods. She lifts my shirt and rubs something cold on my chest. I'm guessing it was some rubbing medicine. She applies more and  puts my shirt down. The woman gets up and walks over to the kitchen. 

I'm left here wondering why someone would help me. What should I do? Should I run when she's not looking? Or should I stay here?

The lady comes back from the kitchen with a cup full of steam. She sets the cup down to reveal it was tea.

????: I'm going to need you to drink this for me okay?

I nod and she hands me the cup. It smelled great so I drank it. It was bitter but I got used to the taste and drank all of it.

I handed the woman the cup and she sets it down on a small table.

????: Where are your parents little one?

Y/N: Parents?

I asked her in a confused tone. I've never had any so I'm not sure what to say. 

????: I think I understand now, you were abandoned weren't you sweetie? 

I looked at her in confusion and could only wonder what she's trying to say. She pats my head and gives me a smile.

????: I know how it feels like to be alone. I've been alone for thousands of years now. So tell me, what's your name little one?

Y/N: My name is Y/N...

????: My name is Pyra. If you would like, I can offer you a place to call home. I can't replace your family but I would like you to feel safe.

She's so nice and caring. She helped me when no one else would. This woman makes me feel safe. Pyra stood up from kneeling and I got off the couch to hug her. My face was buried in her belly.

Y/N: Mama!

I said almost in instinct. She looked almost shocked for a second before she regained her composure. Pyra hugs you back and rubs your head softly.

Pyra: You want someone to care for you, and I am more than willing to do so. Y/N, as your mother I will not hide or lie about anything to you. I will tell you a secret about myself and then I will let you decide for yourself if you truly wish for me to be your mother.

Y/N: What is it?

I look up to Pyra before she kneels down so that she's eye to eye with me. She grabs my chin and looks into my eyes.

Pyra: I am not a human. I am a Blade. The Legendary Aegis. And I have lived for centuries.

Y/N: Mama? What is that?

Pyra: Even knowing I am a living weapon, you still want me as your mother.

I smiled and hugged her. I accidentally tackled her with my face landing on her belly. Pyra laughs and pats my head. The rest of the day was fun. Pyra gave me a bath and a haircut. She cut my long dirty hair into a neat bob haircut similar to her's.

She went out and bought some clothes and food for dinner. When dinner came, Pyra made this delicious bowl of alphabet soup for me. When bedtime hit, I slept with her on her bed. She was reading me a bedtime story before I fell asleep on her shoulder.


Over the years Mom has taught me how to use her powers as her Driver. On my 15th birthday, Mom helped me train with her sword. It's tough but I trained and mastered her arts. One day I was in the living reading a book when a knock was heard from the door.

Mom answered it and it was a tall blonde woman.

????: Hey sis!

Pyra: Hi Mythra!

They were both talking until the blonde noticed me on the couch.

????: Who the hell is that?

Pyra: Mythra, that's my son Y/N.

Mythra: What? A son? When did you get pregnant?

Pyra: Well, I found him on the streets and vowed to take care of him.

Mythra: So he's not even related to you? Pyra, that human shouldn't be here! I understand you were trying to help him, but allowing him to call you his mother? 

The blonde looks over and marches towards me with her hands on her hips.

????: Look kid, you aren't her son. Quit being a damn freeloader and go find somewhere else to live.

Y/N: Uh what?

Pyra: Mythra, he's son my son. I don't plan on getting rid of him anytime soon.

Mythra: Hmph.

Pyra: That being said, Y/N this is your Aunt, Mythra.

Y/N: Hi.

Mythra: What?

Pyra: I'm sure you'll get used to each other then. Y/N, I hope you treat your Aunt the way you've treated me.

Y/N: I will Mom!

She kisses my forehead and walks to the kitchen to put on her cooking apron. My mom may not be human or my biological mom, but she is the best mom I've ever had!

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