Mother and Daughter

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It has been 17 years since Pyra had given birth to our child. We had a daughter and it was Pyra's decision to name her. She settled on naming our daughter Glimmer. And I've got to admit she does mostly look like her mother. Except for her nose. Good thing she's gotten at least one of my features.

Years of family and bonding has led us to where we are now. Glimmer was I guess what you'd call a daddy's girl. Always running to me for support and for permission to go hang out with her friends. Now my little girl is 17 and sports a sassy attitude. Mostly towards her mother.

There was a few instances where Glimmer would argue with Pyra or would run away from home. Oh how I wish these two would get along. Most fights always end with one of them asking me to choose a side. I logically don't want to get involved so I try and resolve the situation by calming them down. It works like a charm but the cycle of them arguing is happening frequently.


I just arrived home from work and parked my car on the driveway. I went to the trunk of my car and pulled out my briefcase and a new manga book for Glimmer. As I was walking to the front door, I smelled the delicious smell of Yakisoba. Pyra must have made it for dinner!

I inserted my keys to the front door and unlocked it. 

Y/N: Hey guys, I'm home!

I entered the house hoping to get a greeting from someone. I was just met with a bunch of silence. There wasn't anyone in the living room. But there was a bunch of sounds coming from the kitchen.

Pyra: And what if someone hurts you? Look at what you're wearing! What if someone tries to take advantage of you? I don't want anything to happen to you Glimmer!

Glimmer: Mom, I'm 17! I'm not a Goddamn baby anymore. I don't care what you have to say!


I ran to the kitchen to see what was going on. I saw Pyra with her left in the air and I saw Glimmer, holding her right cheek.

Y/N: Girls? What's going-

Glimmer: I hate you Mom! I wish I wasn't your daughter! I wish I wouldn't have ever existed! I love Dad more!

She runs to her room sobbing and accidentally bumps into me. 

Y/N: Glimmer? Sweetie?

I tried to stop her from running but she resisted and ran upstairs. I heard a loud slam from upstairs and figured Glimmer locked. I looked at Pyra who's eyes were wide open and it looked like she wanted to cry. I set my briefcase down and went to comfort Pyra.

Y/N: It's okay Pyra. Come here.

She began to tear up and went for a hug. Pyra buried her face in my chest which is something she does  when she's really upset. 

Pyra: Y-Y/N...?

Y/N: Shhhh. It's okay hun. Let it all out. 

She started crying even more and I picked her up bridal style and carried her to our living room couch. The red head sat on my lap and continued crying. I could only hold her and tell her everything would be okay. 

Pyra: Y-Y/N, d-do you think I'm a good mother?

She looked at me with slightly red eyes. I only bring her close to me and rest her head on my shoulder. 

Y/N: No sweetie, I think you're the best mom ever. Speaking of which, what happened between you and her?

Pyra: Well, I got a call from her school saying Glimmer was wearing revealing clothes and was starting to fail some of her classes. Then when she got home, I confronted her about it and caught her getting ready for a party. I stopped her and we argued and that was when I lost it...

Y/N: I see...

Pyra: W-What should I do Y/N? I don't want to live like this with her.

Y/N: I'll handle it. Stay here okay?

She nods and lets go of me. I kiss her quickly before heading up the stairs.

Glimmer's POV:

God, why can't my Mom just let me go to this party? Everyone is going to wonder why I didn't go. I was about to turn on my TV when I heard a knock on my door.

"Glimmer? It's me. Can I come in?"

I unlocked the door and saw it was my dad!

Y/N's POV:

Hopefully she'll open the door to me. I knocked on the door and waited for her to answer.

Y/N: Glimmer? It's me. Can I come in?

I heard the door unlock and saw it finally open. Glimmer had dried tears on her face and still had a hint of red where Pyra slapped her.

Glimmer: Daddy! I'm happy your here.

She hugged me and began to calm down. I returned the favor and hugged her back. After all I hated seeing my daughter distressed. We both let go and Glimmer led me to her bed. We both sat down and Glimmer was the first one to start talking.

Glimmer: Dad? Can I go to a party with my friends?

Y/N: Well...I don't know if now is a good time sweetie.

Glimmer: Please! I'll do the dishes for a week!

Y/N: Look Glimmer, what your mom did to you wasn't okay. But what you have done in return is not good either. What's going on with you Glimmer? What's happening with your grades? Why are you dressing like that?

Glimmer: I....I just...don't know if Mom would even care about me. She's always getting me in trouble and...that's why I always run to you. School is getting hard and yeah I admit I do forget to do my homework....but it's just not fair that she always has to yell at me!

Y/N: I understand. But y'know, your mom does all these things because she doesn't want to see you hurt. I'm not a girl so I don't know about these problems but I can always try to listen. Speaking of which....

I pulled out the manga I got for my daughter and handed it to her. She gasped when she saw it and took it out of my hands excitedly. 

Glimmer: You got me this? Thanks Daddy!

She hopped up and down with joy. I put a hand on her shoulder and gave her a stern look. 

Y/N: Glimmer, I want you to promise me something.

Glimmer: What is it?

Y/N: I-I want you to go downstairs with me. I want to see you apologize to your mother. I'll be with you the whole time. If you promise me that you'll fix your relationship with your mom, I'll buy you the whole collection of those books you love.

Glimmer: Y-You would do that?

Y/N: Yes. Only if you promise. 

Glimmer: I-I'll try.....

We both leave her bedroom and head downstairs where Pyra had her face buried in her hands.

Y/N: Honey?

Pyra perked up like a dear and looked at me. She looked sort of uncomfortable when she saw Glimmer. She stood up slowly and had her hands clasped together.

Glimmer: Mom, I'm...

Pyra: Glimmer, I'm...

Both: I'm sorry....

The red heads slowly approach each other and hug it out. They begin to sob and mutter to each other.

Pyra: I should have never hit you sweetie.

Glimmer: I shouldn't have yelled at you Mom.

I awkardly stand there when I saw Pyra looking at me. One of her arms lets go of Glimmer and reaches for me. I take it and hug both of them. I held both of them until they both stopped crying. 

Y/N: that everyone it cheered up, why don't I take us out to eat?

Pyra: What about the yakisoba I made?

Glimmer: I think I'd rather have Mom's yakisoba.

We went to the kitchen and had dinner like a family. After today, things between the two changed for the better. I'm just glad things were able to turn out good for us.

Pyra  x M! Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now