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Right now Pyra was in her bathroom sobbing. She was sitting on the toilet crying her eyes out. Her red irritated eyes were now looking at something in her hands. What was in her hands you ask? Well it's a pregnancy test of course.

She didn't know how she was going to tell her boyfriend Y/N about having a child with her. Her last boyfriend Rex abandoned her after he found out she was having his child. She got rid of the child but of course this didn't stop him from leaving her.

Now Pyra was afraid Y/N was going to leave her too. She was trembling with fear. Deciding that it was best to tell him upfront, she threw the test in the trash.

Pyra: I already lost someone because of this exact reason. I hope Y/N doesn't leave me....

She stood up from the toilet and went to her kitchen and prepared to put on her cooking apron. Y/N was going to visit her at her apartment later. Pyra began to feel sick. The familiar feeling of being knocked up came back.

She ignored the feeling and kept cooking. This went on for 30 minutes until finally, she finished making Risotto for her and Y/N. But she couldn't hold it in anymore. She rushed to her bathroom and began throwing up. Right after she finished, she heard a doorbell go off.

Pyra: Y-Y/N? Oh no....he's here!

She stood up and ran to open her door. There was Y/N standing in the doorway.

Y/N: Hey sweetie!

Pyra: Hi Y/N.

They both exchange a kiss before letting him in. He looks around her home before he settles down on the kitchen table.

Pyra: Y/N, I've prepared a delicious risotto for us. I hope you like it.

Y/N: Well you know I will! I love your cooking.

She serves portions of the food on two plates. The Aegis sits down and joins her lover to eat. 

Y/N: Pyra? Are you okay? Your eyes are red. Were you crying?

Pyra: O-Oh! Um...I had an...allergic reaction...

Y/N: I see. I hope it was nothing serious.

Pyra's nervousness gave her a funny feeling in her stomach. She grabbed her stomach and over the course of dinner, she was deciding whether to say something or not.

Pyra: Y/N?

Y/N: Yes babe?

She sets her fork down and takes a deep breathe.

Pyra: I-I don't know what to do....and I hope you don't break up with me...

Y/N: Well, I'm listening. Go on. Tell me.

Pyra: I'm....*sniffle*... I'm pregnant with our child.....

Y/N's eyes widen in shock. Pyra breaks down and begins crying.

Pyra: I-I know it's my fault.......and I understand if you don't want to be with me...sorry...

Y/N gets up from his chair and walks over to Pyra. She looks at him in fear. She flinches when he raise his arm. But instead he holds his hand out. She takes it and stands up to face Y/N.

Y/N: Pyra, I don't want you to think I'd leave you just because you're pregnant. I love you too much to leave you and our child. So please, know that I'll be here to support you and our child. So come here.

Y/N pulls his girlfriend in for a hug. He lets her sob into his shoulder while he strokes her red locks. 

Pyra: I....I love you Y/N!! Thank you for staying with me...


We see Y/N come through the front door of Pyra's apartment. He has a couple of grocery bags in his hands. Pyra's belly is now bigger and she looks a tad bit tired.

Pyra: Sweetie! You're home!

Y/N: Yup! I bought all of the items on the list you gave me.

Pyra: Good. Let's see

Y/N sets the bags in front of his girlfriend. She goes through each bag and compares the food to the list.

Pyra: Sweetie, you got the wrong kind of chocolate.

Y/N: Really?

Pyra: You know I was craving dark chocolate! You got me caramel filled chocolate!

Y/N: Sorry babe.

She gets close and kisses your nose.

Pyra: Don't worry. I'm happy with what you get me.

Y/N: Well good hehe. Now get comfy because I'm going to make you and our little one some dinner!

Both of the soon to be parents are now awaiting for the arrival of their child in excitement....

Pyra  x M! Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now