Until I found you

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Pyra has been through a lot. Having been put to sleep under the sea, being a awakened, saving Elysium, reawakening her sister Mythra, and settling down with Rex. However the last memories wasn't the best. Rex had been traveling with his group which had Y/N in it. He was a former hired gun with tons of war and fighting experience. 

At first she didn't think much of Y/N, other then that he's a good friend. Friend. That word did sort of hurt you. Especially when you confessed to her.


Y/N: Hey um Pyra?

Pyra: Yes Y/N?

Y/N: I was wondering...if you'd like to go out to a bar with me sometime? Just the two of us?

She looked hesitant and shook her head.

Pyra: Sorry Y/N, but I'm with Rex now. But hey you'll always be my best friend.

Y/N: Friend....

You looked down, feeling defeated. She pats your shoulder with a smile.

Pyra: Why don't you come and help me make dinner?

You wordlessly follow her to the kitchen. 


It's been a few months since that has happened and you just awkwardly avoid Pyra and her man Rex. They sometimes obnoxiously make out in front of you or cuddle in a couch. It hurt but at least Mythra was on your side. She comforted you and hugged you when you felt down.

It was uncomfortable to the point where you didn't want to be with Rex's group anymore. You packed your bags and headed for Liberty City.

Rex: Y/N? Where are you going?

Y/N: To Liberty City. Perhaps, there things will be different.

Mythra: Come on Y/N, don't go!

Zeke: You really leaving us?

Pandoria: We'll miss ya mate.

Poppi: Poppi want to go to America!

Tora: Tora want to see the Statue of Happiness.

You wanted to leave alone but of course the group wanted to go. You grabbed your duffel bag and left while everyone was distracted. There was a boat that would take immigrants to Liberty CIty. Nopons and Blades were on board with their Drivers.

Y/N: Goodbye Elysium. And goodbye Pyra. Hope you enjoy him.

The boat sailed across blue Japanese waters. It wasn't until a couple of months until you saw the Statue of Happiness in the distance....

Pyra's POV:

Y/N has left to America. I miss him quite dearly. My relationship with Rex isn't as loving as I thought it would be. Rex already wants a harem and he's 15! He already wants to take my virginity along with Mythra's. He's too perverted to deal with. Constantly groping and staring at me. Mythra hasn't been the same either. She's sad now that her bestie Y/N left. I miss him too. He wasn't perverted or greedy like Rex. He was always by my side when I was sick or when it was that time of month for me. He treated me like a princess and I friend zoned him. Sleeping is a lot harder and Y/N would always make me his special tea to sleep.

Pyra: I miss you Y/N. Goodnight, wherever you are...

I close my eyes and hope he would come back to us. But he never did. Days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months which ultimately turned into years. Rex is still immature. Always getting drunk and trying to get it on with me. I wish Y/N was my Driver.

One day however, I had enough. I left Rex with Mythra. He was trying to hurt Poppi so while he was drunk and distracted, we fled like hell. I saw a ship named the Platypus getting ready to sail for Liberty City. Where Y/N was.....

Y/N's POV:

I woke up on my bed and looked around. Alone. Again. How I wish I had some company. I did the usual. Made my coffee. Got dressed. And went to work. I walked down the street and into Star Junction. I picked up a news paper and read it. There was a news report on Elysium getting hit by a storm.

Y/N: Damn, well sucks to be them.

I walked down the street like normal. But then I heard a familiar voice.

" He's 5'9, had E/C, H/C, and is thin. Have you seen him?"

That voice. It's so soft. It sounds like....Pyra's voice. Nah she wouldn't care to look for me. She's with Rex anyway.


You heard a shout for your name. It was Mythra! She ran up to you and gave you a hug. You face however was in her boobs. She suffocated you for a little.

Mythra: I missed ya bestie!

Y/N: *muffled* me too!

Pyra: Y-Y/N?

You looked away from her chest and saw Pyra there with a red tint on her face. She clasped her hands together and looked at you with a regretful look. 

Y/N: Oh hey...

Pyra: H-How's it going?

Y/N: I'm doing good. 

Mythra lets you go. You face the redhead. She slowly approaches you.

Pyra: Look, I left Rex. He wasn't good for me. I wanted to find you to say....I love you Y/N. You're so caring and good to me. I want to be with you sweetie. I've missed you and wondered when you were coming back. I want to hold you and never let you go.

Y/N: P-Pyra, is this a joke?

Pyra: N-No! I wouldn't want to hurt you like that. I know that I friend zoned you but please, consider my confession?

You're left with two choices.


Y/N: Y-Yes, I'd love to be with you.

She hugs you and she's warm. Like really warm. You held onto her tight. She kisses your forehead. You grab her hand and lead her to your apartment. Mythra followed close behind. When they entered, they laid on your bed and fell asleep rather fast. They must have been really tired from their journey. You decided to call in sick and cuddled next to Pyra. She gets on top of you and smiles down on you.

Y/N: My Blade....

Pyra: My little boy...


Y/N: Look, Pyra it's been 3 years since I've told you my feelings. When you rejected me, it did hurt but I got over it after a while. I think it's just best you find someone better. 

Pyra: I see...

She looks down with a sad smile. You pat her on the shoulder.

Y/N: But hey at least you'll always be my friend.

Pyra: Friend....

I don't want to leave the Aegis sisters out on the streets so I led both of them to my home. They got settled in and I went to work. At least they're safe with me now.....


Pyra  x M! Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now