Sokovia: Location 25

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After escaping the destruction of Syntec Location 10, Nelson, his remaining followers, Subject 31872, and Autumn all boarded a jet and flew to their second most populated and important location. Location 25. This location was famous for holding some of Syntec's most powerful experimental serums, and subjects.

Nelson had expected this moment to happen at some point, so he made sure to stay close to an airport and have a private jet so he could escape quickly.

He had initiated a project, a long time ago, to have at least two locations in every part of the nation. California was the only place that had more than two locations built in the state. It was the exception since Nelson and Wesley were both born and raised in California. It's where they started their company together, so, naturally, that's where they built the most locations.

As they flew through the air, Nelson looked out the window, thinking about how his life has changed over the years. He knew that his time was running short, and he needed to complete his mission before wasting away. He snapped out of his trance when he saw Sokovia below them. Once they landed, Nelson knew what had to be done, and how it had to be executed.

Everyone steps out of the jet and onto the landing pad, looking at their surroundings. Around them were towering snowcapped mountains. The mountains have trees, forests, and wildlife surrounding their base. When they stepped out, they were hit with an aggressive wave of brisk cold air. None of them had ever experienced cold like this before and shivered from the sensation. As they stood there, they noticed that Nelson and Subject 31872 were not shivering. They were baffled by this but, naturally, didn't say anything about it. Everyone walks over to the edge of the landing pad, and Nelson stops them at the cars. He raises his hand, signaling to them to stop, and turns around, a look on his face that would suggest that he has an idea in mind.

"Alright, look alive everyone." Nelson's followers and special subject look at him and stand at attention, shaking off the cold, facing Nelson. Autumn gathers herself together and stands next to Subject 31872, intimated by his chemically enhanced size.

"I need something to happen, and I need it to happen fast. Autumn; I want you to be in charge of finding more subjects for us to bring up to take down Cobalt. He has betrayed us, and is now priority number one." He looks at the faces staring back at him, knowing that he has the support that he needs. Nelson raises his arm and hand again pointing at them to get into their respective cars, sending them out to Location 25.

Autumn climbs into her car, with five of the followers getting into the same car with her. She stares out the window, looking at Nelson as they drive away. She has almost failed him twice and knows that she can do better than that. She knows the punishment for failing Nelson a certain number of times. She is his assistant and has seen it all happen to other employees and patients. Once she saw Location 10 crumble to the ground, she knew she had to increase security, guards, and patients. If Nelson will let her, she can be his acting commander for this location. She needs to prove herself and make sure it goes perfectly this time.

            Nelson watches as ten cars, two helicopters, and three vans drive away, leaving him, Subject 31872, and four followers left, waiting for his orders. He turns around and looks at the eyes staring back at him. Nelson locks eyes with them and sees his followers flinch a little bit, while his special Subject does not. He is proud of this development since Subject 31872 is Nelson's first attempt, and success, of his mind control serum. He looks away from the others, and starts walking to the cars, allowing his followers to pile in together. Subject 31872 starts walking to the car too but Nelson stops him. Subject 31872's intimidating form looks back over at Nelson, almost upset and regretful.

The Subject was taken and experimented on by Syntec years ago. They had no choice and were forced into their new projects and schemes. They were injected with Nelson's mind control serum. Nelson was able to use what blood he got from Deborah and was able to enhance her telepathic abilities into his serum. Subject 31872 didn't have as many side effects as Benjamin, but they do have difficulty breathing at times. Therefore, they do have a mask as well, but they can take it off if they want. Only Nelson, and the others around them, can only see their eyes. It created an air of wariness whenever they were around others since their eyes were bloodshot, and have bags under them. Nelson was proud of what he had created. Benjamin was his stepping-off point, and now he had a fully dedicated subject under his control, to do his bidding. Not only that, but Nelson was also able to enhance the Subject's body to be bigger, stronger, faster, and more capable than ever. Nelson looks up, admiring his Subject before snapping back to the present.

He locks eyes with his subject and points to his private car. HIs Subject looks at the car, back to Nelson, and nod, understanding what he wants. They walk over to the car, opens the back door for Nelson, then gets in as the driver. They start driving down the same path that the other cars and vans went, carefully following the fresh tire tracks in the snow. As they drive through the vast snow-covered land, Nelson starts talking with his subject, explaining a private matter.

"31872, I believe you have completed your training over these past several years. You are ready to take your first real mission." They were surprised but were ready to do whatever Nelson asked of them with a nagging lingering in the back of their mind.

"Now, I want you to read some files I have prepped for you. You are to fly back to California, where your mission lies. You will understand more in time." They dare not speak back but know that this has to be important. Nelson Syphus doesn't want anyone else to know about this.

            After about an hour they both arrive at Location 25. The Subject stops the car and the two climb out, walking into the location together. Once they enter the building, they are met with hundreds of people running back and forth. There are followers everywhere, subjects being brought in and out, scientists running around, nurses bringing bags and tools back and forth, and doctors walking and reading files. The Subject looks around and is surprised by all the people that are in this location alone. The last location didn't even have this many people inside it, and that one was the biggest one they had in the United States. The Subject snaps back to reality and follows Nelson to read these files. Nelson brings them up the stairs and around the corner to the upper levels where Nelson's office is. He opens the door, his subject following, waiting in the doorway for Nelson's orders. Nelson walks to his desk and sits down in his chair, thinking. He then notices that they are standing there.

"Oh, 31872, please, sit down. I want you to read through the files, ask your questions, and then get ready to meet with your team outside." The Subject sits down and is pushed a file. They pick up the file, read it, and sit in silence for the next ten minutes. They then place the file back down on the table, signifying that they're done.

"Do you have any questions for me?" They stare at Nelson and slowly nod.

"Do I Have To Be Talking Sir? Do I Have To Remove The Mask?" Their voice was very horse, so they hesitated before and while talking. Nelson looks at his Subject, disappointed by his question.

"If that's what the file said, then that's what you have to do Subject. I don't care if it's not what you want. You have to do it. If anything, talk to yourself and get your voice moving before it's too late. However, you may take a small mask with you so you can breathe from it when you are alone." Their eyes widen as Nelson talks, intimidated by the tone he is using. Nelson has always been very calm with his Subject, but this was a side they had never seen before. They were shocked by it, yet it made sense. The Subject stands, nods, and leaves preparing for their mission.

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