A New Home Together

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After many hours in the car together and a million more stops, they had made it to the border of Washington. Deborah pulled over on the side of the road and pulled out a map. All the kids were sleeping but the adults were wide awake. Whispering, they conversated and decided on a location, that Wesley found to be the most convenient since he had a small idea of the area. He had lived here for about three years when he was younger. They all agreed on the location and drove the rest of the way there. Ready to make it their new home.

Our heroes continued their drive for hours more before arriving in a large open area. They found it to be one of the best places to go, since it was hidden away behind trees and thicket. After thirty minutes more, they arrived just outside the entrance to the thicket. Deborah pulls over on the side of the road and steps out of the car. However, she has just enough time to close the door before throwing up on the side of the road. Wesley and Matthew notice this and jump out to see if they can help her. Matthew moves a little bit slower since he can feel what she is going through at that moment. Deborah drops to her hands and knees, unable to hold herself upright with the force that is coming out of her. Wesley runs to her side, pulling her hair back, a great sense of fear and concern in his eyes. Matthew follows shortly behind, holding his stomach, struggling to stay standing. After about two minutes of emptying herself, Deborah finally stops. She notices the men standing around, and the kids looking out of the window at her. Deborah lowers her head, slightly embarrassed about the situation. She can feel blush creeping up on her cheeks, when a comforting hand rests on her back, calming her down. Deborah turns her head around to find herself looking straight into Wesley's dark, swirling, blue eyes. His eyes alone are enough to make her forget everything and know what the next right step has to be, regardless of how she feels.

"Sorry. I don't know what came over me. Aside from that, we are in the right place. Once we get everyone out of the car and stash it somewhere, we will walk through the thicket and up the hill to the area we will call home.", Matthew and Wesley looked at each other and knew she needed to take it easy, but also knew that she wouldn't until everyone was safe. The men nod their heads and knew their roles. Matthew opened the doors and started taking the kids out and getting them lined up against the other side of the car. Wesley walked around the car and started removing their bags and food out so they could take that with them too. Deborah stood off to the side, catching her breath, watching, and making sure everything was being grabbed and remembered. After about five minutes, everything and everyone were ready to go. The kids line up, oldest to youngest, with Samantha holding Bailey. The men split up, and decide that one should be in the back, while one was upfront with Deborah. Matthew ended up going to the back and Wesley was just behind Deborah.

Deborah led them through the thicket, carefully guiding them over rocks and around bushes and trees. After twenty minutes, they found the area they were looking for. It was wide, open, and buried behind hundreds of trees, hundreds of bushes, and thousands of large rocks. Encircling the area, are large, tall trees that would make it hard to find a house. Deborah nods her head after glancing around the area once or twice. She then turns around and locks her eyes with Samantha. Samantha looks around her to the others and notices that it's her she's looking at.

"Yes, D?"

"Sweetheart, I hate asking this of you, but I need to know. Can you make another house for us? If you don't find yourself able, I can do what I can to conjure things to allow us to build a house.", Samantha looks to the others around her. She steps forward and passes off Bailey to her father. Matthew catches on to what she is doing and tries to stop her, nervous about her draining herself again. Samantha holds his hand and gives him a reassuring nod, telling him that she is going to do this. She lets go of his hand and walks to where Deborah is standing.

"Okay, where do you want me to build this thing?", Deborah looks into Samantha's eyes and can see that she meant business.

"All right then. I think it should be in the middle. Space in the back for the kids, and space in the front for the adult's entertainment.", Deborah softly winks and smirks to Samantha. Samantha notices, winks, and nods her head, walking to the center of the large area. She makes it to the center and raises her arms up and out to the sides of her body. 

She thinks long and hard about the same feeling from before that allowed her to create their cabin. However, this time she thinks of the energy as being bigger and better than before. After giving herself a minute, that same purple energy grows and expands in her hand. She feels that energy, and pushes her hands forward, the energy flowing out and creating a spiral upward. She opens her eyes to see how she is doing and watches as the spiral starts to move, shrinking and growing around one space. Samantha pushes her mind and thinks of what she wants to see. After a few minutes of pushing, her powers start to fizzle out, meaning she is running low on energy. She can feel this and makes one more final push. After doing so, the power bursts outward and starts to disappear in a cloud of purple smoke. Samantha falters and bends down on one knee. She is tired but is still upright. Matthew runs to her side and helps her to stand again. Everyone does the same thing, and after checking on her, they all look toward the center and find a large white house to be standing in the center of the area. Everyone is shocked by the size and look of it but are more impressed by the fact that Samantha did that by herself. Everyone took a short break and then settled themselves down inside the grand new house. 

This house was huge. They couldn't thank Samantha enough for the house she ha given them. The house had a room for each person, with three floors. The ground floor is for day-to-day activities and a way for all of them to enjoy their time together. The floor above that is dedicated to the kids, as it was full of toys and games. Along with a room for each kid, and plenty of space for all of them to run around in and enjoy the life a kid would want to live. Finally, the top floor was dedicated to the adults. It was small but big enough for all of them to have a room. Not only that but it had a small area outside all their rooms to sit in, relax, and even read a book or talk with each other if they wanted to. 

After dividing the rooms between who wanted which one, they had one last thing to take care of. The car. They decided on sending Wesley back to the car and told him to dispose of it. He knew the area well and knew of a cliff that it could be sent over to burn by itself. After ensuring that everything was going to be all right, and they are safe for the time being, Deborah had a new mission. The knowledge that three consequences were meant to come from the flowers, kept her up at night. She doesn't like not knowing what was coming but knew there had to be a way to find out. She examined everything again carefully and believed she has found an answer.

"So, how long are you going to be hiding away in one corner of this house, buried in your books.", she jumped out of her chair, throwing a book at the voice. Wesley catches the book and calmly looks at her, waiting for an answer.

"Since when did you start doing that Wes? You know how I am with scares.", he looks at her and softly chuckles.

"Sorry about that my love. But, are you going to answer my question or leave me in the dark on this?"

"Well, if you must know, since Matt and I took those healing flowers, we were told that three consequences were coming for each flower in some way. I'm trying to find out what is going to happen. You know I can't leave things unfinished.", she looked at Wesley and saw him nod at her response. He smiles kindly, kisses her forehead, then leaves. After he does, Deborah smiles calmly, closes her books, and retires to her bed. The interruption made her notice how tired she was. So she drifts off to sleep, her mind endlessly running laps on trying to find her solution. 

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