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That's what his nick name for me was. Ever since i was little i got called Starkie. it's my surname with ie on the end and once Phil said it once it stuck. No one else would dare call me it though.

That would be if they new about me.

Checking the time i new supper would be served in exactly 24 minuets. I could only make it to the house if Phil still has my penny board that i made."Phil did you keep my latest board?" i asked calmly. there was no point panicking."Of course im guessing its your time to go ."

he gave me my green board and i told him goodbye. within the next second i jumped out the window landing on the fire exit.instead of wasting time, walikng down the stairs i would jump them.

Throwing my board down carelessly i took of.This was my mission. Get home. Don't get caught. I sped up through my short cuts. By going through alley ways i manged to save 15 minutes.

I arrive at my house and climbed through my window. "Should i alert Mr stark of your arrival Zara stark?" Jarvis our/tony's AI asked me. " I hope you didn't mention my departure to him Jarvis." i said and with that i heard him laugh.

Jarvis must have been amazing when he was a human. The stories Jarvis tells me are about him being the Stark's butler. He would talk about tony being a kindhearted boy .

Once around Christmas time Jarvis told me a story about tony making him a stocking.That was my favorite story however i doubt it's true since Jarvis see's how tony treats me and often try's to reassure me he is nice.

Pepper knocked on my door."Hello kiddo" she said, handing me a plate.I told he thank You as she exited.I sat in silence eating my rack of ribs and chips while drinking a cup of water.

I put my plate, cutlery and glass in the dishwasher. Turning away i was met with a glare from Tony. We stood there a moment with tony glaring at me and muttering words like 'Mistake' and 'Burden' until i walked up the stairs.

Tony's bedroom was the closest on the left so that made mine the furthest on the right. Mine was also the box room but i didn't mind.You could tell that Tony didn't love me which hurt but it also hurt when Pepper would look at you with pity yet wouldn't stop it.

I reached under my bed wanting to know that i am worth it. I pulled out a vans shoe box and opened it. Inside were notes from Phil and also photos of me and Phil varying shapes and sizes.

dear Zara,
its me, Coulson here. im writing from my current mission to tell you im coming to Florida soon so i hope i get a visit. How about i take you to the Theater and we could see a Shakespeare show. Sound good? Also how is Tony treating you. He can be harsh around this time since it reminds him of his Father.

Your favorite agent, Uncle and friend,

Authors note:
Hey guys i really tried at editing the punctuation, grammar and spellings so i hope it was okay.I also hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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