My Mission

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Its been a week now.Ive tried tracking Tony but have had no luck.Its ironic that now that he's gone i have relised how much i loved having at least one living parent.Even if he did not like my presense.

It Is like rhodes said to me "one parents better than none."I would always scoff at that comment even though deep down it was true.I do miss Tony. I really do.After all he is my birth father.

I have hacked every wifi signal in america but I still have had no sign of Tony.I have to learn to let go of him but when I get attached to someone one of us is ussually crushed. Its always me.

Him not being there has really put me in a bad place. My scars got worse. No longer white lines but now red.

Pepper was getting worried about my anorexia.I couldn't help it. Coulson wasn't back and neither was Tony.

I was wasn't surprising since everyone usually leaves but I thought they would be here longer.

I was currently sitting on the roof." Everything's gonna be alright." I whispered to no one in perticular.

No one would care anyway or do anything. Not one would miss me. Like Tony always said I was a 'burden'.

I was someone who didn't deserve friends or parents or luxury.I was someone who didn't deserve food or drink.I was someone who didnt deserve life. That's the reason for the scars.

Because its better to feel pain than to feel nothing at all.I seriously considered running away but who would be there for when Tony gets back?

No one.He made it clear that I wasn't welcome but all those times he was drunk.Alcohol was a reached thing that manipulates nice people into the demons we hide from.

That's why its hard for me to believe he is a good person. Because he is always a demon.He did care though.when I was little he cared and if he can do it once he can do it again.

So just like he's powering through life in will power through death.If its what it takes to be apretiated by Tony I will. I can't help him seeing if I am broken but I can help finding him.

And so that's what I will do.I stood up and looked at the was a decision I would make in time.For now though I have to find my father so I climb into my bedroom.

"Right Jarvis could I have any servalince of where Tony has been seen at all"Let's do this.let's find my father.

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