Disney World

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I woke up to Pepper telling me Tony had a meeting or something like that.I just lied still. Pepper entered my room and looked at my face."Did he do that to you?" She questioned. You could see the hurt in her eyes.

"He was drunk Pep." I responded as if it was normal."He had no right." her voice started to raise. I knew she was right."He does a lot of things that he has no right to don't worry about it pep."

Walking out of my room i slipped on my vans and saw Pepper. We took out one of Tony's most expensive cars and left."Where to soldier?" Pepper asked smiling. I thought a moment and said" how about Disney world?"

With that we drove of. The entrance was amazing.It turned out that Tony had a annual pass here.I walked up to the entrance and explained to one of the workers how my camera works.

I called Pepper over and then we had a photo" thank you" i said to the worker. "this isn't your first time out the house is it?" Pepper questioned, a smirk forming on her face." Between you and me no. Coulson used to sneak me out when i was little and i sneak out when he is in Florida."

We had fun. We were in the park magic kingdom.We went on rides like space mountain and the flying carpets. We got photos on the rides and pictures of us wearing mmickey ears.

"We don't want Tony knowing about this lets head back." Pepper told me. We rode back in Tony's sports car full throttle and wasting is gas slightly on purpose. He wouldn't notice.

It's sad that your own father doesn't care about anything.That's his problem he hasn't good good intentions.The sad part is he know's it and makes absolutely no effort to change.

When we got home there was silence. That ment Tony wasn't back.He should be back by now but he's not.I walked down to Tony's lab and just sat in a spinny chair."Tony won't be happy your here Zara."Jarvis said but he knew I wouldn't move.

I got up my design for a skate board upgrade. I had doubled the thickness to 10CM. I put a jet on the side and two on the bottom adjacent to each other.I covered up the jets and dip coated the board in black. I then autographed it in green.

I uncovered the jets and then linked them up to a head set I had worked on that had Jarvis. "Jarvis turn on the jets!" I exclaimed in excitement as I now knew what it was like to fly. I was flying without wings.

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