he carED

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I started to cry thinking of the memories. Me and Coulson. He really was my best friend. The reason I get so emotional is because of every time he goes away there's a chance his life could be taken and I am nor ready for that.

As i was going through the photos one stuck out. I was a baby(2 months old). the thing that surprised me was I was being held by tony. On the back of the photo was : tony & Zara (2 months) no mother.

My mum died giving birth to me. I never got to meet her and she was just a fling tony would say if i ever asked. As I think about her I grab my gold cross that was hers but given to me.

I herd footsteps so I packed everything away quickly and pretended to be on my phone."Hey pepper."I said acting as if nothing had happened."Tony said he needed you down in his lab. He sounded pretty ticked of so remember he doesn't mean what he says, Kay?" "Kay" I responded.

Walking down to the lab I notice multiple glasses empty stinking of scotch."Child where were you." He shouted , his voice bellowing around the room."I never left, I didn't break one of the rules." He started to walk close to me. He lent down and now his face was inches away from mine.

"LIAR".He now stuck his shoulders back showing how intimidating he was. I cowered down but repeated "I never left, I didn't break one of the rules." Tony walked away from me and just when I thought I was safe he turned around and back hand slapped me.

As I lifted my head up in shame he said" you are no daughter of mine" and then pointed to the door. I ran out with my bottom lip wobbling but knowing one thing. He cannot watch me cry.

I locked my door with a lock that I made. I opened my window and stood on the outside on the window sill.I reached for the odd ledges thanking god for the unique architecture.

I sat on the roof,thinking. I cant go anywhere cause I have no money.money. I'm scared.Even if I could go anywhere I am 17. Its illegal for me to move out so I guess I am just stuck with this monster.

"Hey Jarvis?" I asked in hope that the answer to my question was a good one."Did tony ever show he loved me when i was a baby?" For a few minutes it was quite."Yes Zara. Believe it or not but you were tony's pride and joy until I think you reached the age of three."

He cared. At one point he cared.It may not be much but the information was enough to put a small smile on my face.With that i climbed down the building into my bedroom. I shut my window and crawled into my bed.

he cared.

authors note:

hey guys their will be a double update today so i hope you enjoy and i also worked really hard on grammar, spellings and punctuation so i hope you enjoy.

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