Not my plan

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"you really thought i would miss your birthday?" phil askead and now thinking about it no. it made sence since he was more of a father than tomy ever was. he was always there even if he wasnt."im so glad you came" i said with a genuine smile on my face.

i left to walk into my bedroon. i pit on a black dress witha chiffon pattern on the bottem. i remember when i went shopping with phil one time. i saw the dress in the widow and fell inlove.

flash back.

"uncle phill please can i have that dress." i asked doing puppy eyes because it was the prettyiest dress i had ever seen. "starkie you know that wouldnt fit you but ill tell you what if i buy it you have to promise me the first day you will wear it is on your 18nth." i looked a phil with a grin.

"i promise."

flash back over

the dress didnt have sleeves so i put 0n a black and red striped fashion blazer and a chunky black neclace.i added some black high heels and then turned around."oh my you have grown up fast starkie."

phil said. he was smiling and his eyes were even watering."you also remembered."phil wispered when we were hugging."ofcourse i remembered phil how could i forget."

i quickley got out my camera and took a photo with was on my polaroid camera so the photo started developing.once the photo developed we looked at it then i got out my shoe box.

i spread all of the photos out on the carpet while me and phil sat and looked at them."remember that phil when we found that abandonded boxing place." with a chuckle he said yes, pick up the poto of a little six year old in a ring smiling and punching.

after we found that place phil would take me there alot and he taught me how to fight and defend myself. i would always go there if i needed to clear my head partly because absaloutly no one would go there.

we packed every thing away and then went into the living room.Tony had accually dressed down for once and pepper looked pretty like she always does.tony and pepper drove in a sports car while me and phil rode in an suv.

when we got to the resutrant tony and pepper were already there. tony had already had a drink and pepper was trying to control him.this is going to be a long night.

"hello miss" a mousey haired man asked me.he wore a awesome black leather jacket and had a cute smile.he started looking towards my lips and then leaned in. he was my first kiss."would youlike to come back to my apartment ..." he asked. i didnt know what he ment."zara and yes."

we rode back on his motorcycle.i think his name was clint. when we got to clints apartment we kissed.we didnt just kiss though because one thing led to another ...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2017 ⏰

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