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dear diary,

so this is how my story goes...

it started out on a normal tuesday. i was walking home in my normal attire,black. my hood was up as i pulled on the strings. my backpack was slung over one shoulder.

i was the girl. the one in the movies where she is on the outside looking in however my life is no movie.if it was a movie there would be a happy ending. there would be perfect credits and actors.

my headphones were blaring out some song. all you could here was a steady drum beat and a woman's voice.she was singing with love,passion. that was one thing i admired with music. they sing with passion.

that's also one thing i will never have.passion. maybe its cause my father is reckless. you know what they say 'long live the reckless and the brave'. if that's true he must be a some sort of saint.

this is the real world though. everyone sees him as this amazing guy. as someone who always gets the girls yet in real life he lost the only important girl.

his daughter.

he doesn't see me as important though. he sees me as a burden. it could be because pepper is not my mother or because i really am nothing. im not fast or strong.all i am is smart but he doesn't know that. that because he doesn't pay attention.

he never did.that's because he never cared.

now at this point i was halfway down the street. my eyes may have shed a tear thinking about my birth father yet i know i do have one person that possibly loves me.

thoughts floated out of my mind yet i knew that visiting him was the right thing since i might not get another see im not usually aloud out the beach house but then again no one really cares to check.

Phil was amazing. he used to sneak me out the house and we would go to fun fares and then he would climb through my window place me on my bed and while i was turning around he would miraculously disappear.

he was my true dad Phil. he was the one who cared. we would get photos where you put your head through a little hole and one the other side was a silly picture. he wasn't just my true dad but also he was my best friend.

we would never fight because Phil would often go away. hes about to leave for New York so i want to pop in in to his apartment, have a cup of tea and say goodbye.

i was now at his apartment block. looking around i see people staring so i casually walk around to the back. this is where i climbed up the fire escape and sat on his couch.i turned of my music and looked up. proudly standing in the entrance was Phil.

he had on a posh black suit and some sort of ear piece. in that moment i stood up and gave him a big hug. "im glad you came, Starkie."

Authors note:

okay by the way i am bad at grammar and spelling so apologies but yeah i have high hopes for this book and have squeals in mind .

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