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Its been 3 months now.He's not back. I have failed. He has not returned.

I have done him wrong. If he was still alive he would be ashamed.

He is not alive though. At least no one believes it. Even Coulson hasn't returned.

He must also be ashamed that I can't even find my own father.My own blood.

I was currently in my room.I haven't been out in a month. I haven't eaten anything in a week.

I grabbed my sharpener blade and slid it across my wrists.I couldn't do this anymore.I didn't deserve life.I failed.

The red liquid ran down my arms and staining everything it touches.Including me.

I climb out my room and onto the roof like usual. I just sat down for a minute.Thinking.

What would Tony think if he returned and I was gone.Would he mourn and be sad.

Ovcourse he wouldn't because he doesn't care.I was only a burden to him.

Slowly standing up I walked over to the edge of the roof. This was it.I could feel it in my bones.

At this point tears were streaming down my face."if only we could turn back time." I said thinking about me and Tony.

" this is it god.

You put me on this earth for a reason. I haven't figured that out. What I have figured out is that I haven't done anyone good.I was the reason my mother is dead.My father would rather be with random women every night than me.I have failed my family.I have failed myself.I have failed you.So if there is a god up there I'm lost and I'm scared and I'm on my own. I'm gonna do it now.goodbye Tony have a nice life now I won't be apart of it. Thanks for the day out Pepper. Thanks Coulson. Goodbye world."

Tears were a full on water full now.I felt horrible about leaving people but it was for the best.

"Nice speach Zara really... What's the word? Cliche." Wow .

I turned around and there stood Tony. he started walking towards me. I couldn't tell if he looked menacing or hurt.

I edged backwards as a reflex.Afterall when has Tony ever been nice? Never.Just as one foot was over the railing I felt like I was grabbed and pulled into someone's stomach.

It was Tony.He was hugging me.He whispered into my hair " Your alright now Zara I got you, your okay."

I couldn't believe it my father was back. My once hidden scars were showing though.There was nothing I could do he had already seen them.

"What are those" Tony asked but he already new.When I looked up tears were in his glossy eyes.

"Battle scars." After that it was dead silence.I was to happy to care.Tony was back.The real tony.

Not the one that was kidnapped and taken to Afghanistan but the one who left when I was three.

The one that has a soul.

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