Guess Who's Back

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Tony took me inside.he helped me wipe of the dried blood."zara you know I love you right?"I nodded. He does love me.It feels so good to know he loves me.

He had also returned all battered and bruised. Like father like daughter I guess."We no longer sell an make weapons" Tony whispered with joy in his voice.

"Thats cool now less people will loose there life's." I said expressing the joy.I guess I was down to earth but I didn't care.

I left Tony in the living room to go get changed."Jarvis get up my tester outfit please."

The next second a black tight crop top appeared with some black jogging bottems.

When I was changed into them my scars didn't matter to me because Tony had already seen them and I'm assuming Pepper had been told.

Walking down I saw tony. "Hey could I show you something in your lab?" I asked wondering if it was okay.

He nodded and gave me a look saying 'You don't have to be scared I'm not a monster I'm your father.' I spoke when we got down there."This is my new board there are a few little things that need tweaking but pretty cool, right?"

I asked looking for approval. Tony gave me the board and I showed him how it worked.I put it on the ground and put on the headset."Jarvis please turn on bottom jets." I said with hope and fear In my voice

The board slowly rows as I kept my balance."Not bad" Tony spoke.I knew I could do better though and I would for him.

"Jarvis let's fly." I said. This was my first proper test run.slowly my board started to move forward.

With me help of passing corners I had just flied and it felt exhilarating."Okay Jarvis that's enough for today."

Tony smiled at me.I got a look I had never got before.he looked at me proud.My eyes welled up as I realized he was proud of me.

For once I felt like he could say this is my daughter with a smile not a grimance.Tears fell but it was strange, they were of happiness.

"So its your 18 next week, right?" Tony asked.I nodded."me and Pepper want to take you out to a local party is that okay?"

A party?hmm never in my entire life have I been to a party but I would meet someone.I might even meet the one.

"Okay I guess." I said trying not to look to interested.

Grabbing my board I walked slowly up the stairs.

Standing there adjacent to me was the one .And I would never ever not forget him.standing there was the man who made me realize life was worth it.

Standing there was the man that gave me hope.Standing there was Phil Coulson.

"Hello Starkie."

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