Chapter 1 - back home

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Your POV:
I walked out of the airport with a huge smile on my face. I'm so happy to be back home. The warm sun hit my face making me smile so much, oh how I've missed this. I honestly can't wait to get back to somewhat normality.

Here's a quick back story:
• I used to live in LA before I moved to London for a few years well 5 to be exact (5 years living in London)
• I left for "work" purposes as I wanted some new experience, explore the world a bit
• I had some good friends that I never wanted to leave but sometimes these things happen and you have to go with them before it's too late
• Me and my childhood best friend got in an argument before I left but I was glad I left then so I could clear my head (we'll get to that)

And that was pretty much it! I'm back now, happier and much better, with a new job which I'm starting soon, how very exciting!

- - -

I arrived at my new apartment which I just bought as I'm now officially staying and not leaving this time. It was big enough for me and had a lot of light which I loveee. I put on some music and began to unpack my suitcases, well it was only 2 big suitcases and I mean the big ones you can get and a small one, so 3 all together. I sold all my furniture and other bits that was back in London as all of it was what I took with me the first time I left and if honest I didn't want to be reminded of those memories anyways.

I opened all 3 suitcases seeing which ones were the most important/the ones I needed more for now and when I had some free time I could pack the rest of it away. With my new upcoming job I don't think I'll have much time but I'm just going to pack as much as I can now and when I can finish the rest off.

A few hours had past and I was getting bored, luckily it wasn't dark out yet so I took the opportunity to go and explore the area as I haven't been here in 5 years. The view from my apartment was luxurious and I fell in love instantly when I saw it.

I flew over here for a week to look at apartments and see my family again which was great, luckily I didn't bump into anyone. While I was here I bought this place and thankfully it wasn't finished as of yet, they said I can move in, in about 2 weeks time which was perfect as that's when I was arriving here.

I walked around the streets and went to a diner on the corner just down the road to get myself some food which tasted incredible may I add. I've missed the food here.

After exploring for a little while so I could familiarise myself with the area I headed back inside my apartment complex. This place was nice and seemed to be a good/safe area to live in.

I turned the corner in the corridor of my complex. My apartment was right at the end which was good and bad especially on the days when you have a lot of shopping to carry. Anyways, I turned the corner and saw someone who I never thought I'd see again opening or closing their door which was 2 doors down from mine.

I took the chance to see if it was actually him or not. "Evan?" I said as the guy turned around.

A/n: heyyy this is something new I'm working on/have been for a while. Hope you like it!

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