Chapter 2 - familiar faces

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Buck's POV:
"Evan?" I heard someone say from behind. I wonder who's calling my name? I turned around seeing someone who I never thought I would see again. I was so confused, this didn't feel real?


I looked at her in shock. "Y/n?" I said in disbelief. She smiled slightly. "I never thought I would see you again." I said still shocked. She left and now she's back.

Your POV:
I could tell he was shocked and so was I. "What brings you here?" He asked scratching the back of his head. "Oh, I um, just live there." I said pointing at number 8 which was my house number, as he lives at number 6. "You live here?! When? How?" He said shaking his head. "Well I believe I bought this place, and only recently have come back." I said with a smile making him smile. "I see you still are sarcastic." He chuckled running his hand through his hair. I nodded my head. "I better go, don't want to be late for my shift." He smiled before giving me a small wave while walking away.

- - -

What I said before about me and my childhood best friend getting in an argument before, that was who I was on about. Evan Buckley. Yes him.

We were childhood friends and I'm not sure if we're still friends now maybe we are but not as close maybe who knows. I don't know myself if honest.

The two of us did everything together. We also had many firsts together as we made a packed to do so but as we grew older we didn't see each other as much, you'd say we grew apart a little, but when we did it wasn't for long, people questioned if we were an item or whatnot but I never knew the answer. It was all confusing.

Our argument was over me leaving and also how we felt for each other. Yeah... you can probably guess how that went.


"Why are you leaving y/n?" He questioned. "Because I want a new beginning Evan, something new." I explained for the millionth time to him. He groaned. "What about us?" He said taking my hand. I will admit I have deep feelings for him but one minute he wants me the next he doesn't so I really don't know anymore. "Evan, we're best friends, you have my number and other ways of contacting me. I need to leave now or I'll never do it. Some of us have to fly the nest at some point." I explained. I don't understand why he's not happy for me.

I sighed. "Why can't you be happy for me for once?" I said making him snap around. "Happy for you? You should be happy with this too. You're leaving me when you promised me weeks ago you'd never leave me. Remember?" He questioned. Of course I remember it, it was on one of the days where he was attached to my side and then the next day acted like nothing happened. I'm so angry and annoyed with him. I couldn't control it. "One minute you want me the next you don't, make up your mind will you! It's frustrating! I don't want to be waiting for months or years on someone who isn't sure about me." I exclaimed with a different toned voice making him look at me in shock.

A look I'll never forget. "You like me?" He said quietly. "Yes Evan, yes I do but you were too stupid to see it. Now with that said I've got to go or I'll miss my flight." I said with tears in my eyes. I got up off of the bed and headed towards the front door. "Please y/n don't go, let me explain please!" He pleaded. "It's too late for that Evan. You had your chance and you couldn't catch it in time. Goodbye Evan. Good luck with everything in the future." I said shutting the door behind me leaving him standing there on the other side as tears streamed down my cheeks.

*end of flash back*

Just thinking back on it all makes me feel sad and now seeing him in person after all this time makes it even worse. Ugh why?! If I had known then I wouldn't of come back here.

I sighed to myself and got into bed, well the blow up mattress that I set up earlier as I didn't have a bed yet. My eyes began to close and soon I drifted off to sleep.

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