Chapter 8 - operation ouch

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Your POV:
I was sat at my desk thinking of what went on last night. Part of me feels awful for admitting I still liked him but then again I'm sure he still does too. I'm not as hurt as I was so time for a new y/n, obviously nothing drastic but a happier version. Who knows...

I placed my headset on ready for my next call. Calls came in here and there. Until one was reported about a 'fire' but it sounded suspicious. I did the right thing, sent the right services out and all then waited for an update. It felt like ages but it soon came in.

*dispatch this is 118, we have a firefighter down, I repeat a firefighter is down, we need back up as soon as possible*

*copy that 118, I'll send out more units to your location*

I updated the system and got another unit to go over and help. My mind was racing thinking of who it could be. Who could've been hurt?

Josh was standing behind me helping me out a little, pointing to things on the screen for me until I heard footsteps heading towards me. "It's Buck!" Maddie exclaimed running over to me. I quickly too off my head set, standing up and engulfed her into a hug. "I can't loose him." She sobbed, the thought of it made me want to cry. "You won't. He's in the best hands out there and will be when he's in the hospital." I mentioned. The two of us were let off from work and headed straight to the hospital where the rest of 118 were waiting.

I drove us both there as I didn't think Maddie was ok to do so. Her and Buck had such a great relationship, it would make me smile seeing them do anything for each other, it just shows what kind of people they were. It was heart warming to see.

Maddie and I walked into the waiting area where everyone was. "How is he?" Maddie asked crying. Chimney came over and hugged her. "He's ok. He's out of surgery, just waiting for him to wake up." One of the others said. "This is y/n, my good friend as well as Bucks." Maddie said and I gave a small smile. "I'm Bobby Nash, the captain, this is Eddie, Hen and Chimney as well as Athena." He explained pointing who was who. "Nice to meet you y/n." Athena said. I nodded my head. "Nice to meet you all, not in the best circumstances." I added making them chuckle a little.

A doctor walked out. Maddie walked up to him. "Evan is awake and stable, you can go in and see him now." He said. "Thank you so much." She exclaimed taking my hand and pulling me towards his room. "I don't think I should be here, you should be with him." I said making Maddie stop and look at me before entering the room. "Yes you should be here. I'm sure he wants to see you, never ever say that." She said before opening the door as we walked inside.

We walked in and there he was. Buck was laying there what looked like lifeless but as we got closer he was actually awake. "Hey Evan." We said as he moved his head to face us. "Hey." He said quietly. "The worst was going through our heads." I told him taking a seat in one of the chairs next to his bed.

Buck smiled at us both. "How did I get so lucky?" He questioned. "You didn't Buck, you're just you." I mentioned as he smiled. "No honestly I'm being serious here. You guy's honestly don't have to." He said making us look at him. "What?" He said holding up his hands. "Evan I'm your sister here, it's my job to look after you when you've had an accident." Maddie said making him sigh. I giggle shaking my head. We took our time making sure he was A-Ok before the others came in.

The rest of his crew came in one by one to see how he was and stayed with him.

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