Chapter 6 - pit in my stomach

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Your POV:
I couldn't shift that thought. Buck has a girlfriend. Even though I still had some feeling towards him it still hurt you know? As well as us being apart for 5 years I did expect him to move on but not literally you know. I'm happy for him that's all I got to be. I guess that fake smile has made a comeback.

That feeling, the pit in your stomach when you know you're not good enough. Hits hard.

I zoned out for a while. "Y/n? Y/n, you ok?" Chim said making me look at him. I shook my head so I was back to reality making everyone look and stare at me.  "Sorry guys, I have to be up early tomorrow so I'm going to leave." I told them all as I stood up with my things in my hand. "You don't have work tomorrow though y/n." Maddie said as we have pretty much all our shifts together.

She was right but I didn't want to stay. "No but I have to be up early." I smiled. "Nice to meet you Taylor and good to see you Evan." I smiled as the tears filled my eyes. I grabbed my things and headed towards the door.

Buck's POV:
She was leaving, just as Taylor got here. I was trying to piece things together and then it hit me, she still likes me! "Y/n!" I called out to her but Taylor stopped me. "Don't babe, it's not worth it." She said sipping on her drink. I wanted to go and speak to her but I didn't want to upset Taylor as she is my girlfriend at the end of the day. I sat in my seat playing with the straw in my drink for the rest of the night. I've messed up, again.

Your POV:
I began to walk home quickly after that. It was dark and I just wanted to be inside. The tears flowed down my cheeks because right now I couldn't care. I just had to let it out.

Buck was right for moving on! He did the right thing but I should've let go. I mean I did but I still had some feelings towards him. I shouldn't complain and be unhappy/ungrateful for it all. These things happen and good things come to those who wait. Who knows maybe we weren't meant to be. Can't force it.

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