Chapter 5 - we meet again

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Maddie's POV:
I knew y/n wasn't home yet so I headed to the apartment complex that my brother also lived in. I knocked at the door hoping for an answer. The door soon opened, quickly. Buck was standing there with no shirt on, well he had one in his hands. "Woah, that is a sight I don't want to see." I said walking in. Buck shut the door behind him.

He poured me a mug of coffee. "And how may I help you?" He asked. "I was wondering if you wanted to come out for some drinks tonight with Chim and I?" I asked him. "Sure, is there anyone else coming?" Buck asked looking at me weirdly. "Maybe." I smiled, hoping he would say yes even if I did tell him. "Who else?" He questioned. "Fine... y/n is coming but she doesn't know you're coming, please come, it would be nice." I pleaded. Buck sighed. "Fine I will." He smiled. I couldn't tell if it was a fake smile or not. "Good, I'll see you at 8." I smiled heading out the door. Hopefully this will be great for them both.

Your POV:
I arrived at the bar that Maddie told me to meet her at. It was crowded. I walked through the crowd and saw Maddie sat there with what I assumed was her other half. I walked over with a smile. They both saw me smiling back. "Hello." I said placing my bag on the chair. The man stood up. "I'm Howie, people call me Chimney but you can call me Chim, nice to meet you." He said giving me a small hug with a quick kiss on the cheek to greet me. Maddie gave me a big hug and we took our seats. "Maddie has told me all about you." Chimney said. "Hopefully all good things." I said making us all laugh. "Of course, there's not one bad thing to say about you y/n." She smiled making me blush a little.

We all got talking and got on really well. I'm glad I came out tonight.

Buck's POV:
I walked into the building a little nervous. I want to see y/n I do but I'm not sure if she would want to see me. There they were. The three of them. They looked like they were having fun which was great to see. "Hey guys." I said to them all as I approached the table. Y/n turned around looking me up and down in shock, all I could do was give her a small smile. Oh no.

Your POV:
I smiled awkwardly at Evan as he sat down next to me. Unfortunately it was only a 4 seated table so I couldn't move or anything. "Wait you know each other?!" Chim said in surprise. I nodded my head fiddling with the straw in my drink. "Yes we do." I said keeping my eyes on the table.

Buck ordered himself a drink then got himself comfortable. "You guys don't mind if I invited Taylor do you?" He said making me choke on my drink nearly. "You have a girlfriend?" Maddie asked shocked, almost like she didn't know. "Yeah Taylor, didn't I tell you?" Buck said. "No. No you definitely didn't." She said in response. Maddie took a sip of her drink. "Would you like another drink y/n?" Maddie asked. "Oh no thanks. I'm good." I replied awkwardly. I don't know what to do in this situation. They all started laughing about couple things and I was just sat there not sure what to say or do. I felt awkward being there.

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