Chapter 4 - mistakes were made

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Buck's POV:
My mind was all over the place since seeing y/n in the building. I haven't seen her since though. I've missed her, I really have. I regret everything and not seeing it.

I was sat at the table in the firehouse, just thinking, playing with the deck of cards that were in my hands. "Buck you ok?" Hen asked as she walked towards me. "Yeah I'm fine." I replied. "You sure, you don't seem it?" She asked again. I sighed. I don't want to tell her but the only way to get it out of my system is to say something. Maybe not too much detail. "You can tell me." Hen said with a smile. "Someone who I used to know, really well, left 5 years ago turned up literally outside my apartment the other day and it's been on my mind since." I explained. "When you said literally outside your apartment?" Hen asked. "Yeah like right outside well she lives two doors down from me now but you know what I mean." I added making her nod her head. "I see. I see. And this friends of yours? What happened?" She asked taking a seat opposite to me.

I sat up and lent my elbows on the table. "She left to go live in London because of a new job opportunity that she got. I was really happy for her but I never showed it. I also had feelings for her too but unfortunately it was too late, she felt the same, told me and I was the biggest jerk for not saying anything in time. She left and never came back. I tried to call her but nothing. I made the biggest mistake." I explained making Hen looked at me in shock. "I don't mean this in the rude way Buck but I'm not surprised. So she's back and what's it like?" She asked. "I don't know Hen." I said rubbing my face with my hands. I really don't.

Your POV:
Now we're back to square one again. This is one of the reasons why I left to begin with!? The sun shone through the curtains as I woke up. I stretched out my body before slowly sitting up. Let's hope today goes better than the last few. I thought. I eventually got up and got myself ready for my long day ahead.

The thing is, I really don't want to bump into Evan for a while so when I leave my house, I try to leave it a quick as I can. I open my door and quickly lock it before heading for the lifts down to the ground floor. I get out and head to the car park outside, getting in my car and heading off to work. Sirens flooded my ears so I pulled in a bit to let whatever it was trying to pass. The fire engine past me as I drove by. Don't think of him y/n, you can't let him live in your head rent free now. I shook my head. I just can't get him off of my mind.

I walked into the building and into the lift. I sighed to myself as I held my coffee in my hands.

Maddie greeted me as I walked into the room. "How is my favourite person?" Maddie said with her signature smile. "Wonderful." I smiled at her. She instantly knew that I wasn't. "What's up?" She asked following me towards my desk. "Everything that's happened in the last 72 hours!" I exclaimed running my hands through my hair. "It ok." She said with a sympathetic smile placing her hand on my shoulder.

Our shifts flew by. Maddie walked towards me with a huge smile on her face. "Y/n let's go out tonight for a few drinks, you and I as well as my other half, Chim." Maddie said with a smile. I smiled back at her. "You have a boyfriend?!" I exclaimed making her laugh. "I do indeed." She smiled. "I'll see you at 8." Maddie said before leaving the building.

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