Chapter 7 - its me not you

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Your POV:
It was a dark gloomy day here in LA. It made me feel 10x worse than I should. I stayed in bed for most of the morning just to get myself together. Always nice to take time for yourself.

Time went on and there was a knock on the door. I wasn't expecting anyone or anything so I was confused. If honest, I was in an oversized tee with grey sweats as I really couldn't be bothered to change into actual pj's. They were still comfortable though. I got out of the bed and another knock came from the door. "I'm coming." I said loud enough for them to hear me, whoever it was. I opened the door seeing Buck standing there. I was confused. He looked me up and down and I rolled my eyes instead. "Hello?" I questioned. "Are you busy?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nope." I said quietly. "Can I come in? I want to talk  to you." He asked as I letting him in, shutting the door behind him.

We walked into my kitchen sitting at different ends of the island. "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked fiddling my fingers. "Us." He said looking at me. My heart skipped a beat. "Oh ok." I added. I sat up trying to look somewhat presentable yet I was in sweats, a big tee and messy hair, with glasses. Who cares.

Buck cleared his throat. "I don't understand why you left y/n. I didn't want to move on as I wanted to wait but then I saw you weren't coming back so I had nothing else to do but move on you know, as much as that hurt me." Buck explained. "Buck you know why I left. I wanted to forget whatever I was feeling but unfortunately part of it stayed with me, I'm sorry. It's me not you." I replied with a sigh. "Y/n don't say that. We both loved each other then." He smiled. "I know we did. I wanted you to move on but I didn't at the same time. I was hoping you'd wait for me." I chuckled making him smile. "It all sounds stupid thinking of it now." I said as we both laughed. Glad we can have a laugh about it all.

We had a laugh about things and stories. "I'm always here y/n. You know that." He smile giving me a side hug. "You know Evan, I'm happy for you. I really am. I'm glad you've found happiness." I smiled making him smile too. "Thank you y/n. It means a lot coming from you." He said giving me another hug. "Friends?" Buck said making me smile. "Friends." I smiled as we hugged. I'm glad that is out of the way.

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