Chapter 3 - whats your emergency?

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Your POV:
My alarm went off just as what felt like I just fell asleep. That night went so quick. I wasn't as nervous as I thought I would be but I was slightly you know. I start my new job today which is exciting and I can't wait to begin it.

I'm now a 911 operator!

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It didn't take me long to get ready this morning so I took it slow getting to work but getting there on time of course. Don't want to be late on my first day! I walked into the building heading towards the lift to bring me up to the floor I was needed on.

There was a lot of people at desks and answering calls. I loved the atmosphere and you want to enjoy work which hopefully I will, fingers crossed. As I walked further in the more people I saw and this room was bigger than I thought. I like it. I got given the instructions to head to the back of the room where the glass walls aka the office was, just to wait there till someone came to collect me.

My nerves were definitely there today but I brushed them away focusing on what was more important. "Oh my days! Y/n? Is that really you?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked around making eye contact with that exact person. I smiled looking directly at that person. "It sure is." I exclaimed making her squeal in excitement. "It's so good to see you! I haven't seen you in ages and may I add you are looking really good." She exclaimed pulling me in for a hug. Maddie. Maddie Buckley. My one and only true good friend. Well not only but you know what I mean.

We made some steps towards the coffee machine so she could pour herself some coffee. I had my own in my hands. "I thought you were never coming back. You work here now right?" She said with a smile. "First day." I smiled. "Well you'll be training with me for the next few days." Maddie said. I've really missed her. She was like a big sister to me. One that I never had.

Maddie got me set up and taught me the basics to begin with. She let me take the next call by myself and I successfully completed it without her needing to help me. "You're a natural." She smiled making me smile. After a lot more training it was soon time for a break.

The two of us headed into the mess area (aka the place to go for a break). We both took a seat. "Have you seen Evan yet?" Maddie asked with a certain look on her face. I nodded my head. "Yes unfortunately I did. I was hoping to wait it out a while before bumping into him you know but turns out he lives two doors down from me so it was kinda hard not too." I explained. She chuckled. "Oh bless you. When you left that day he came over to mine and bawled his eyes out because of what happened prior." She said taking a sip of her coffee. I sighed and told her my side of the story.

Our break was soon over and we headed back into the call room. I took a seat at my now allocated desk. "Your time to shine now y/n." She said patting my back stepping back and watching over me briefly as I took my first solo call. I took a deep breath before putting the head set on. A call soon came through.

"911, what's your emergency?" I said down the line.

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