Chapter 6

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A/N: I try to make each Klaus story I make have a different theme when it comes to Hope. Esmeray's (Dark Moon) was to show Klaus about the possibility of a healthy stepparent-stepchild relationship. Maddy's (Savior) eliminated Hayley as the mother altogether and she got to have Hope with Klaus. Ibeth's (Rue) gave Hope a sibling. With this one, I'm going with the idea of Yara taking over the pregnancy for Hayley. When I was writing Dark Moon and Hayley posed the idea to Esmeray, a lot of people were into that. And since Yara has already been a mother with Klaus, that makes this a possibility. If you want a different type of story, I recommend looking at my other Klaus fics. But if you're interested, keep reading!


What the fuck did I just get myself into?

She hadn't said yes, but she hadn't exactly said no, either.

Rebekah was now upset because, with the talk about Elijah being here to help with the surrogacy process, Klaus had admitted that he'd given Elijah's daggered body to Marcel as a peace offering.

Yara was left alone to consider the choice she might have to make.

"This will be your room for now," said Klaus quietly, leading Yara into one of the many bedrooms on the lower floor of the house. "We will meet with Marcel later."

She couldn't even bring herself to look at him. "Why do you despise him? What could have possibly let you to–? I can understand the witches being upset that he's somehow prohibiting them from performing magic, but you... he's your son. How could you not be filled with joy upon seeing him again?"

"I made Marcel everything he is," Klaus muttered. "When he died, I mourned deeply. Not only had I lost my son, but I had lost... every part of me that loved this city. Marcel was gone, you were gone. I returned and I found not only that he'd survived, but he had thrived. And instead of seeking us out, instead of sticking together as one, he made a choice to take everything this family built and made it his own. Now, he is living in our home, sleeping in our beds. The 'M' he stamps everywhere is not for 'Marcel,' it's for 'Mikaelson.' I want it all back. I want this city to be secure for when my child is born."

"You are being so childish," said Yara honestly. "Have you considered what he might have thought? He somehow survived and he came to with no one there to greet him. He... he must have seen us all as cowards! He must have thought we didn't care for him! And just as he didn't seek you out, you didn't come back here. You didn't try, and neither did I. If it's anyone's fault, it's ours. For being weak. For staying away. I don't think he simply took everything and made it his own, I think he used what was there and tried to start fresh because he thought he would have nothing if he didn't work to salvage what was left. He isn't living in 'our' home, he's living in his home. Sleeping in his bed. The Compound was all of ours. He grew up there. You and I raised him there. This city could be safe for when this baby is born if you just... tell him. I highly doubt he'd try to hurt you for something that happened magically."

She hesitated, adding, "And if I... if I agree to be your surrogate... he'll even propose the idea personally. The city can be secure with him in charge, Klaus. It isn't necessary for you to be at the helm to maintain a sense of protection. Don't you think it would have been safer for Hayley if you formed an alliance, rather than overthrowing him? How could you even think to do that to our boy?"

He ignored her question. "Well? Will you do it? You said you would think about it. That you needed a moment to digest the possibility. If it is even possible."

"It should be," she muttered, lowering herself onto the windowsill. "I cannot procreate because my organs are dead. I have no gamete to give, I cannot build the endometrial lining to protect a zygote before it implants. However... my body responds to all stimuli it receives. It may not perform its reproductive functions now, but if it were to be placed in... it would adapt to accommodate it. We still bleed, we still have heartbeats. We digest just as any other creature does. Would it be so far-fetched to believe that surrogacy could work, even if conception can't?"

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