Chapter 35

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The party was apparently a disaster.

Yara hadn't been present, at Klaus's request. While Marcel had helped carry it out and while Freya had given Hayley some aid in finding out more about why her parents were killed, Yara had been having a movie night with Cami and Hope. The blonde absolutely adored the little girl, and it seemed Cami was Hope's favorite new person so far, though it was probably because she had several pastries she let her try.

"Should I even ask what happened?" asked Yara when she came back, Hope asleep on her shoulder, and saw blood being mopped up by the maids.

"I tried to avoid bloodshed but Elijah became the town executioner!" said Klaus hotly. (Marcel didn't seem surprised to hear this, and neither did Yara, for that matter.) "We have no way of knowing if we found all those in league with The Hollow or if they really had some apparent weapon to be used against us. Let's confirm with Dominic, shall we? Oh, wait, we can't. His corpse is currently burning in a dumpster."

Yara looked at Marcel. "Dominic, as in–?"

"Yeah, he came back to life," said Marcel.

She covered Hope's ears. "What the fuck?"

Marcel sighed. "I know. But he was definitely working for The Hollow. It's like he was its high priest or something. Vincent told us what he said to you earlier. How it wants to be reborn, how it resurfaces in four distinct locations. But we can't tell why."

"I might know," said Hayley, walking in with Freya. "It's looking for something. Four things by the sound of it. And I'm pretty sure that I have one of them." She held up a mandible, oddly well-preserved. "My parents were killed protecting this from one of The Hollow's followers."

"We've seen this time and time again," muttered Klaus. "When a witch wishes to be reborn, its remains are required to complete the spell. You've just found a piece of our enemy."

Hayley shrugged. "Lucky me. Who has the other three?"

Elijah's face paled. "Dominic. Dominic said that he had found something here."

"Wouldn't it have been obvious if he dug into any of the rooms?" asked Yara. "We don't have bones lying around."

"There is one," said Klaus quietly.

They followed him up to the study, where he began to open his safe. Moments later, he confirmed their fears: Papa Tunde's blade was gone. The bone blade had been part of The Hollow all along. "Dominic's death was a distraction."

"They used our own deception against us," said Elijah.

"And they've infiltrated the city," said Marcel. "They could send any of their lackeys to get the rest of the bones and if they do..."

"Then they may well try to raise this monstrosity," finished Klaus. "And it will come for us all."

Hayley followed Yara when she went to put Hope down in her bed, planning to tell her more about what Freya had helped her see when she investigated her parents' murder. Hope awoke just as they were walking out, calling out sleepily, "Mama? Hayley?"

"Princess," said Yara, returning to sit with her. "What's wrong, my love?"

"Nothing." She sat up, rubbing her eyes. "What's a Labonair?"

"That's the wolf bloodline you come from, my darling. You remember how your papa calls you his littlest wolf, how I told you that you are a little Crescent Princess?"

She nodded. "Well," said Yara, "that's because of the blood you have." She hesitated, looking at Hayley, who gestured for her to continue. "Actually, there is something we can talk about now that Hayley is here. Your papa and I were thinking of telling you soon, anyway. Do you think you can put your serious hat on for a big girl conversation?"

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