Chapter 17

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Elijah had been found.

"He's not awake just yet," said Rebekah in their next call. "Mother left him practically comatose. I recognized a rash on him, the mark of the merlock orchid she used on Mikael. Hayley is helping me retrieve the antidote."

"Good," said Klaus gruffly. "Be sure he's awake soon."

"He will be, the plant grows in the Bayou. Jackson will find it and Hayley will bring it. There is one other matter, though. We've taken Finn and Kol hostage."

"Kol? You found him at last?"

"Yes. He was with Davina. The two hatched a plan of their own. Kol's task was to use Davina to find where you all were. He couldn't do it. Instead, they were attempting to retrieve the white oak to kill Mikael– who Davina had hostage– and were also trying to unlink the sirelines. Mother's plan couldn't work if all vampires wouldn't die."

"Why do I feel like you've something else to say, Rebekah?"

"I do. I already spoke with Finn. There's something we never knew about. Our mother was barren when she first married Mikael. Apparently, she had a sister named Dahlia who helped make her fertile in exchange for her first-born. Our sister Freya didn't die of plague, Nik, she was given away. Finn remembers it, clear as day. Esther made him keep it a secret from Mikael."

Klaus sneered, "That explains why she is so cavalier about harming my child, so easily giving away one of her own–"

"No, that is not all. Dahlia placed a curse on our family, on Esther's bloodline. She demanded the firstborn of every generation. That includes Hope. Finn says that if she is alive, Dahlia will come for her. And she will destroy anyone who stands in her way."

Yara furrowed her brows in concern. "Is there any truth to these statements? Concrete proof?"

"Well, it depends how much we wish to believe in Finn. It would explain why he hates us. He lost the sister he adored and instead got a judgy pack of siblings who found him unbearably dull."

Klaus clicked his tongue. "No one's going to hurt Hope, because no one's going to find her. Where are you on defeating our mother? It's time for us to leave Brazil. We were found yesterday."

"Found?! By who?"

"My real father. It appears Esther resurrected him when she did herself and our brothers. No doubt to sway me to accept her bargain, yet, it appears he knows nothing of her intentions. From what I gather, he has not even spoken to her."

"And where is he now?"

"In a cabin nearby," said Yara. "He wants to help protect Hope."

"That's kind of him, but he cannot be compelled. How safe is this?"

"A question I am asking myself," said Klaus quietly. "I find myself thinking of what she did to Elijah... to what end? To convince him to take on a mortal form? Ansel may do more harm than good here. So long as he is nearby, my mother could use him to find us, she could twist him to her will..."

Yara noticed how Rebekah's face seemed to change, how she leaned away from the phone as if she'd had an idea. "She wishes for us to take new bodies so we may have children of our own," murmured Rebekah. "Children born without the curse. And then, she will kill all vampires. In a way, she is protecting us from Dahlia. And because of it, she will be pleased with anyone she can get on her side."

"Rebekah," said Yara slowly. "What are you planning?"

"I'm going to take Esther's deal. And, when I do, I'm taking her down with me."

"How exactly are you going to do that?!"

"Kol can help me. She'd be distracted during the spell, vulnerable. We can't kill her, or she body jumps. Currently, we know where she is. So we stop her from jumping."

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