Chapter 20

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All they could do was wait.

Dahlia was coming, this much they knew. When, they couldn't tell. No one could locate her, not even Freya. And it was difficult to formulate a plan when they didn't know what to expect other than a super-powerful witch who was sure to find Hope wherever she went.

Yara tried to solidify their alliances in preparation. She sent supplies out to the wolves, who preferred to stay in the Bayou and simply wanted to renovate the buildings they already had. Everyone was doing well now that they didn't have to turn each full moon, and if Hayley promised on their behalf that they would keep Hope safe, they would do it for the future of their pack. Yara had no intention of asking them for something they weren't capable of, or exploiting them. All she implored was that they let her know if they heard anything, and that they be ready to take any preventative measures they could once they had some to give.

The same happened with the vampires. All of the newest recruits had daylight rings and promised training sessions that Yara was happy to give, even roping Elijah in (which he didn't seem to mind given how fond he was growing of a woman named Gia). They were more than happy to keep their ears to the ground. As Marcel recalled sadly, Thierry had spoken about the willingness to do something because their leader's 'mother' requested it.

The witches were getting along with them as well. Grudgingly, Kol had donated some magical objects (mostly from the O'Connell stash, but created by him) and Yara had sat down with Josephine to tell her what threats their family faced and how it could come to affect the witches.

She'd even gone to speak with Vincent Griffith, offering emotional (and financial) support along with a care package where she expressed her condolences after learning how he'd gotten to the point where he was isolated enough for Finn to take over his body. He, too, knew what losing a child was like. And though Yara knew she couldn't erase his pain, she hoped he'd find in her a shoulder to lean on and someone to vent to. Though he wasn't sure he was ready to associate further with the Mikaelsons, he appreciated her offer.

There had been one more person Yara hoped to have a sit-down conversation with. Though Klaus wasn't pleased with it, she insisted it needed to be done.

"Well, isn't this pleasant," said Kol with a sarcastic undertone as they sat alone in a booth at a French restaurant he'd picked.

"I'm hoping it will be," said Yara tightly, plucking up a small piece of bread. "I wanted to apologize to you, Kol. I've never been warm with you, not even when Marcel grew up. I avoided you at all costs, made small talk with you in your own family's house. I was hostile and rude and I've not once been kind since you came back. I want to change that."

"Say what you really wish to say," murmured Kol. "You hate me but you need me to protect your daughter. That, I will do, not because you matter to me, but because she's Nik's child and I'll do anything for her."

"I don't hate you. Really, I don't. I disliked your attitude toward me, I never trusted you after what you did to Marcel. But I realize I never tried to understand where you were coming from. Not because I should excuse your behavior– because it was wrong– but because if I'd taken a moment to see it through your eyes, I would have realized that you were re-entering the family and finding two new members, invaders, and they were treated better than you. By not saying anything, by not being kind to you, I didn't help your brothers and sister be kinder to you. I perpetuated their cruelty and it... it is awful, I shouldn't have done it."

Kol stopped picking at his piece of bread. Yara continued, "Yes, it's no secret you're an essential player in this. I do need you, I won't deny that. But I don't want us to be an alliance that is only maintained while there is a threat, then we go back to avoiding each other and holding grudges when it passes. I want to apologize for my behavior and I want... to forgive you for yours."

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