Chapter 30

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No one slept a wink.

"You're hovering," muttered Freya as Klaus continued to stare down at the spell she was attempting.

"I'm supervising," he corrected brusquely. "How else to speed up your endeavors? Let's see. Perhaps I should bring Vincent here? Force him to aid you by removing his legs?"

"Klaus," warned Yara. "We discussed this."

Freya sighed, "Vincent doesn't know how to kill Lucien, either. Besides, if he leaves the St. James, who knows what the Ancestors will make him do next?"

"The usual witch-inspired vendetta," said Klaus, glaring at Elijah as he walked in, as if any of this were his fault, or perhaps judging the fact that Elijah wasn't seemingly performing a useful task. "Elijah, you stay here and oversee what Freya is doing. Yara, make sure Kol and Finn are still at their research. I'm going to actually accomplish something."

Elijah was concerned. "Brother, accomplishing something—"

"The time for talking is done!" said Klaus, frustrated.

Yara relaxed when he left the room. "I don't know what he intends to do. I asked him earlier what his plan is and he continues to be vague. He better not be thinking about confronting Lucien."

"He feels guilty," noted Freya quietly. "He had a chance to kill Aurora and he didn't. In his mind, letting Aurora suffer was the best punishment for what she did to you."

"I didn't need her to suffer bad enough that she was available to come back out and attack me. He knows it, I know it. What I think he won't admit is that he couldn't bring himself to kill her. I understand. I just wish we could have discussed this and all decided her fate together. We put Tristan down permanently because we all worked together. If we'd done the same with Aurora... maybe we wouldn't be in this mess. Or, who knows, Lucien might've gotten someone else to do his bidding."

Kol and Finn weren't in the mood for company. Yara had no intentions of popping in to bother them anyway, letting them sit together (though ten feet apart) in Elijah's study and taking notes on separate stacks of books.

She made sure to account for everyone that mattered. Cami was packing to head out of town to visit family. Marcel had already encouraged Davina to stay at her family's cabin while he resided at the Davilla Estate. Hayley, Jackson, Ansel and the rest of the wolves had retreated further into the Bayou. Josh and Aiden were vacationing while Gia was at a music festival at Elijah's insistence. All the other vampires of Marcel's community had been warned, and the majority had chosen to leave town in the meantime.

Everyone was supposed to be fine.

"Hey!" cried Cami, running into the Compound with her suitcase. "HEY!"

Yara was the first to arrive, followed by Elijah. Cami was severely out of breath, face beet red. "Klaus," she panted. "I saw him— he was taken by Lucien."

Yara's heart dropped into her stomach. "Did Lucien bite him?"

"No, but he ambushed him. Knocked him around like it was nothing. I think he wanted him alive. I was able to track Klaus's phone to Lucien's penthouse, and like a second later the signal was lost."

Elijah's phone buzzed. He scowled, "Lucien is demanding my presence at the Whiskey Cask— alone and immediately. He says if I delay, Niklaus will die."

"He's luring you into a trap!" cried Yara. "He'll kill you."

"If I don't make an appearance, he'll kill my brother."

Freya, Kol, and Finn seemed confident enough to follow him (along with a legion of The Strix) to confront Lucien. There was no guarantee their sigil to trap Lucien would work, but they hoped three Mikaelson witches stood a chance. Yara couldn't understand why Finn was willing to help, but she had a feeling he would do anything if it would make Freya happy. Hopefully his will was enough to boost them. There was no telling whether they'd be strong enough to combat the Ancestors.

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