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"Rumors spread about a mysterious boy being spotted. This boy was described the same by every planet we've traveled to in the hope of finding clues about this boy's whereabouts. That man turned out to be you."

"Is there a reason you were searching for me anyway? From the sounds of it, you and your group must want something if you've been trying to find me. I wouldn't call it simple curiosity. Going planet after planet to just find me, you must be desperate."

"Desperate? Well...when you put it that way and how many planets we went around asking for you or where your next destination is. I suppose it would be an act of desperation. Still, you're more...reasonable than I would've expected."

"Oh? Is there a reason our encounter wouldn't be reasonable?"

"That's prejudice on my part. Truthfully, our encounters usually leave no room to talk until a battle is finished. You can see why I was surprised that we met a reasonable person for once—"

The two that were conversing put a pause to their conversation as they turned to look at the source of the noise that distracted them.

"Pom-Pom is here to say that we'll be arriving at our destination shortly. Reminder to remain seated."

"What a cute little fella. I didn't know you guys had a mascot."


*Wobble* *Wobble*

"Um...did I scare the little fella?" He took notice of the small mascot who shyly hid behind the redhead he was talking with.

"Pom-Pom seems to be quite shy around you. Don't worry much about it, given the knowledge we know of you, Pom-Pom is quite meek about you."

"Um... I hope I didn't do anything to leave me in a negative light." He muttered with a frown at the thought.

"It's not the negativity, but more like your mysteriousness." Himeko calmly stated as she watched Pom-Pom slowly walk away.

"Mysteriousness?" He blinked. "Am I mysterious?" He looked down at his clothing, alongside his arms with innocence.

"From what we've been told and how you're talked highly of by others, you aid those in need and can heal illnesses and diseases that may affect them. For a while you stay doing such actions and you disappear like a ghost while asking for nothing in return..." Himeko stared at the boy in front of her as she crossed her arms and her demeanor changed. "What is your intention?"


Silence filled the room as the two held a stare-off. The question remains lingering in the air as the man's stoic face drops and a smile forms. "There's no ulterior motives I tell you." He shook his head and relaxed on the seat as he raised his hand. A glow of holy light formed around it. "For the longest time I've known, I was born with a gift. A gift that can help people, and be used for a greater cause. This gift of mine was an answer is what my parents told to me."

"An answer?"

"The answer to bringing forth salvation."

"'Salvation...'" Himeko muttered at the word.

"When people need salvation, one shall arise and give it to them. A savior of mankind that brings salvation near the end of days. My parents told me I was born with this gift and that I was chosen to be mankind's hope."

"So you're helping people because of the role that was handed down to you?"

"Rest assured, the role of being a savior of mankind may have indeed been given to me. But that doesn't mean I'm fully doing this out of obligation to what was given to me. You can say I gain self-satisfaction from helping others."

Memories of the Express Crew [HSR]Where stories live. Discover now