Chapter 3

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Arriving at the Parlor Car with Stelle, Messiah saw that everyone else was already wide awake. "So I was the last one to wake embarrassing." He scratched the back of his head. "By the way...may I ask you something?" He turned to look at Stelle who looked at him with confusion.

"What is it?" Stelle asked the boy, wondering what he wishes to ask her.

Messiah pulled out his phone. "How exactly do I use a smartphone?"

"...Huh?" Stelle deadpanned at the question.

"All my life I've only owned a flip phone, so I'm not sure how different a smartphone of this level is from my old phone."

"A flip phone? What's that?" Stelle was confused. "Does the phone flip? That sounds pretty cool." She imagined in her mind a phone flipping around with a snort.

"A flip phone is a phone that had a flat panel display at the top half while the bottom half consists of either an alphanumeric keyboard or a keypad. The main purpose of the flip phone was usually for texting and calling." Dan Heng responded as he looked at the two. He saw Stelle open her mouth. "It's called a flip phone because you can fold the device into contact with each other." He answered her question before she can say anything.

"Well that was didn't even know what I was gonna ask—"

"You were gonna ask why it's called a flip phone and if it flips." Dan Heng looked at her with a gaze that says, "I knew what you were gonna say."

"Nuh uh." Stelle countered.

"Gee-whiz you two. No arguing this early in the morning." March 7th.

"Tis not arguing dear March 7th, just simply trying to state that I feel offended that I was cut off so quickly." Stelle placed a hand on her chest. "I felt disrespected." She frowned.

Messiah watched with a small smile at the conversation that he saw unfold between the three in front of him. He can tell they're comfortable enough with one another to easily argue and express genuine feelings. He then looked on at his phone, still needing help to understand.

"One of you come help set up the table." He heard Himeko's voice from far away. His attention focused on the three in front of him and realized their banter must have canceled out Himeko's voice. Without saying anything, he walked ahead toward Himeko and Welt and decided to help.

"Those three are already so lively that they couldn't hear me?" Himeko asked with a small smile. "Thank you for helping out. You could've told them that I was asking for any of you to help out but you decided to just go for it." She handed Messiah a plate as the boy nodded at her.

"I would've helped the first second I was able to. I find myself owing you and everyone else a lot for allowing me to stay here and travel with you. It's only fair that I help out."

"Hmph, modest to the very bone huh?" Welt asked with a small snort in a nonoffending way. "Stelle and March 7th can learn a few things from you and Dan Heng. They're too carefree."

"I think it's nice of them to be carefree, it looks like they're having a good time. I wish more can be said about most people..." Messiah chuckled as he placed another plate down on the table. "Sometimes a bit of carefreeness is what is needed to make the day better."

"Well said, well said." Himeko let out an amused exhale. "By the way, would you care for a cup of coffee as well? Or will you prefer a different refreshment for breakfast?"

"Coffee will do just fine thank you." Messiah nodded at the redhead for confirmation. "Extra sugary if you will." He added as he forgot the most important detail of his coffee.

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