Chapter 2

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"Consider this a welcoming gift."

"You didn't have to. Something of this level is expensive."

"Just take it."

"...You will not stop until I except, correct?"

"You catch on quickly."

Looking down at Himeko's hand, Messiah stared at the smartphone laid out as he slowly accepted it. "Thank you for this gift. I will do my best to pay back the debt—"

"Don't you understand what a gift is?" Himeko rolled up a magazine and hit the boy over his head causing him to blink. "It's a gift. Something I willingly got, without expecting anything in return. It's yours now."

"Hmph, I'll give you a warning and tell you that Himeko can be hardheaded. It's best to just accept." Welt looked over at the two with an unamused expression. "From today on, you're now a member of the Astral Express Crew."

"Woohoo!" March 7th cheered. "Celebration time!"

"Hey! You got confetti all over the floor!" Pom-Pom yelled earning a quick apology from the pink-headed girl. "Pom-Pom just finished sweeping too..." Pom-Pom sulked with sadness.

"Sorry. I'll help clean up." March 7th smiled awkwardly as she looked at the depressed conductor.

"You're a monster, making poor Pom-Pom sad." Stelle frowned at March 7th as she picked Pom-Pom up and hugged it. "Pom-Pom is love. Pom-Pom is life. There there." She soothed and comforted the conductor who remained depressed.

"Given you've called us all over, I suspect you have something you wish to tell us." Dan Heng looked over at Welt and Himeko patiently. He was the only one paying attention given March 7th and Stelle were busy with Pom-Pom, and Measiah looked fixated on the smartphone given to him. The brown-haired boy looked on as if the device in his hand was a foreign object. "What's our next destination?"

"You don't need to be serious all the time." Himeko told Dan Heng. "For now you're all gonna take a breather. The three of you have been doing a good job obtaining the Stellarons and solving the planet's issues. It's best to take a breather for the current moment before we continue."

"Did I hear a break?" Stelle perked up at the conversation with an interested gaze. "Is it true?"

"A break!" March 7th stood next to her friend with joy. "Thank goodness! All this Stellaron hunting got me tired. My poor fingers feel like falling off from how much I've been using my bow~" She whined.

"Mr. Yang, let us go to the space station!" Stelle said.

"Well, there's no need to ask. We were planning on heading there anyway."

"Awesome sauce." Stelle grinned. "You'll meet Arlan, Herta, and Asta there." She turned to look at Messiah.

"I take It they're companions of yours?" Messiah asked given he has no idea who any of them are. He saw Stelle nod at him.

"Ngh..." Pom-Pom muttered as they got shaken around.

"Um... Pom-Pom seems to look sick with the way you're shaking around." He pointed out which caused Stelle to stop as she looked down at her fluffy companion. "Are they alright?" He asked.

"N-No......" Pom-Pom muttered.

"...Oops." Stelle simply said.

"It's late enough as it is. All of you go on and get some rest. Tomorrow morning we'll head over to the space station." Himeko told everyone in the room. Her gaze then turned to their new member. "As for you, I'm afraid we don't have an extra room for you. I truly apologize for this... I didn't think this through it seems."

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