Chapter 5

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"It seems like Elio's script was right once again. As it was predicted, the Astral Express would come in contact with their new ally."


"Honestly it's kinda boring don't you think? I thought more interesting things would happen." Silver Wolf huffed as she continued chewing on her gum. "They seriously need to work on their security. It's almost worrisome that I can bypass their systems so easily."

*Pew* *Pew* *Pew*

She grinned as she leaned forth as she got closer to her screen. Moving around her mouse as she pressed the keys on the keyboard. Engrossed, she stopped paying attention to the other two in the room as she focused on trying to increase her kill streak.

"We're having a meeting here and you're out here focusing on your... 'video games'." Blade said who closed his eyes and held a calm expression.

"Don't say 'video games' like that. You sound so ancient the way you say it." Silver Wolf stared at Blade for a moment as she went back to focusing on her game. "Although you are ancient so it makes sense for an old man to not understand."

"..." Blade stared at the hacker of their group with silence.

"Alright, you two. That's enough now~"

"Hmph." Both Silver Wolf and Blade snorted at one another as Kafka looked at them with her usual smile. Blade focused his attention on her whereas Silver Wolf went back to her game all the while she listened given she understood they have a mission to do alongside making sure everything goes according to plan.

"Messiah. Just like the others of the Astral Express, he's another capable ally of theirs. However, that's also a problem with our plans." Kafka told the two as she recalled the information. "He's too capable..."

"Too capable?" Blade hummed at the words. "So he's too strong is what you're saying?" Regardless, he doubts that the boy is gonna be a hindrance. He finds it hard to believe that a single boy can cause trouble to their plans.

"Oh trust me, this boy is a special case. You can say that he's a champion of sorts." Kafka pondered for a bit. "The right word you can say is an empty shell if I were to summarize what Elio said."

"An empty shell?" Silver Wolf hummed at the description. "That's a weird way to describe someone. "

"It's the best way to describe people like him." Kafka hummed. "In summary, you can consider him a puppet with strings. Being played around by the puppeteer." She extended her palm forth as a hologram was shown. The image that Silver Wolf and Blade saw appear was a boy clad in a white cloak. His hood was on and his face was hidden. They were only able to see his brown hair sticking out with a smile plastered on his face.

"Hmm..." Blade focused on the image of the boy with silence. "He doesn't look like much." He expected a better image.

"Looks are deceiving Bladie. You know...his ability with weaponry is fascinating. He has mastery over all weapons."

"Mastery of all weapons?" Blade hummed with amusement.

"Weaponry huh?" Silver Wolf muttered at the information

"He is very skillful." Kafka said as she looked at Blade. "I will tell you one thing. When we encounter him, defeat him first." She told the two.

"Heh. You're acting like I can fight in the first place. That's yours and Blade's job." Silver Wolf said.

"Is he really that dangerous that you're telling us to defeat him as quickly as possible?" Blade asked.

Kafka nodded. "The quicker he's defeated. The less of a threat he is. I want you to remember that when we encounter the Astral Express again."

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